Next in our best doubled-barreled shotgun reviews we have an affordable option from Savage Arms, who is renowned for its well-constructed firearms. Its Stevens Model 555 is an over/under double-barrel shotgun that is worthy of attention. Close attention to outsourced manufacturing quality… Whil...
rifle doble是将“double rifle"翻译成 加泰罗尼亚文。译文示例:As with double-barrelled shotguns, modern double rifles are all made with either sidelock or boxlock actions, although occasionally old hammer rifles can be found. ↔ Com en les escopetes de dos canons , els fusells dobles moderns...
Keywords:Parker,shotguns,sporting clays,double barreled shotguns Alexa rank:0 Siteadvisor: +0/-0 Mywot Trustworthness:0% Visit site Double Guns, Double barreled shotguns, SxS, or Side-by-side, and Over & Under O&U, Drillings, Combination guns, Double rifl...