DoubleAngleFormulae DoubleAngleFormulaeThedoubleangleformulaeareusedtoexpressananglesuchas2AintermsofA.Wederivetheformulaefrom3oftheadditionformulae.sin(AB)sinAcosBcosAsinB(1)cos(AB)cosAcosBsinAsinB(3)tanAtanB...
Cos 2x is also called a Double angle formula as they have 2 or double angles in the trigonometric functions. Practice Cos 2x formula examples and other trigonometric formulas at BYJU'S.
Because the ground-truth HSI was obtained from the simulated experiments, three quantitative figure indices from the comparison were employed: mean peak signal-to-noise ratio (MPSNR) over all bands; mean structure similarity (MSSIM) over all bands; and mean spectral angle mapping (MSAM) over all...