W. Abikoff, Conformal barycenters and the Douady-Earle extension--a dis- crete dynamical approach, J. Anal. Math. 86 (2002), 221-234.W. Abikoff, Conformal barycenters and the Douady-Earle extension--a discrete dynamical approach, J. Anal. Math. 86 (2002), 221-234....
Let f be an orientation-preserving circle homeomorphism and Φ (f) the Douady-Earle extension of f, and let fcr be the cross-ratio distortion norm of f and K(Φ (f)) be the maximal dilatation of Φ (f). As a consequence of results in [A. Douady and C. J. Earle, 'Conformally ...
f. In this paper, we show that the quasiconformality and asymptotic conformality of Φ are local properties; i.e., if is quasisymmetric or symmetric on an arc of the unit circle, then Φ is quasiconformal or asymptotically conformal nearby. Furthermore, our methods enable us to conclude the...
Cross-ratio distortion and Douady-Earle extension: I. A new upper bound on quasiconformality. J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2), 86(2):387-406, 2012.Hu, J., and O. Muzician: Cross-ratio distortion and Douady-Earle extension: I. A new upper bound on quasiconformality. - J. London Math. ...
Muzician: Cross-ratio distortion and Douady-Earle extension: I. A new upper bound on quasiconformality. - J. London Math. Soc. 86:2, 2012, 387-406.Jun Hu and Oleg Muzician. Cross-ratio distortion and Douady-Earle extension: I. A new upper bound on quasiconformality. J. Lond. Math....
Wei and Y. Shen, On Douady-Earle extension and the contractibility of the VMO-Teichmu¨ller space, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 442(2016), 376-384.Tang, S., H. Wei, and Y. Shen: On Douady-Earle extension and the contractibility of the VMO-Teichmuller space. - J. Math. Anal. Appl...
S. Tang, H. Wei and Y. Shen, On Douady-Earle extension and the contractibility of the VMO-Teichmu¨ller space, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 442(2016), 376-384.Tang, S., H. Wei, and Y. Shen: On Douady-Earle extension and the contractibility of the VMO-Teichmuller space. - J. ...
Let f be an orientation-preserving circle homeomorphism and Φ the Douady-Earle extension of f . In this paper, we show that the quasiconformality and asymptotic conformality of Φ are local properties; i.e., if f is quasisymmetric or symmetric on an arc of the unit circle, then Φ is ...
Douady-Earle extensionCoupled oscillatorsKuramoto modelWe demonstrate that the Douady-Earle extension can be computed by solving the specific set of ODE's. This system of ODE's has several interpretations in Mathematical Physics, such as Kuramoto model of coupled oscillators or Josephson junction ...
Douady-Earle extensionharmonic mapquasiconformal mapquasisymmetric mapIn this paper we give examples to show that the Douady-Earle extensions are not always harmonic. Furthermore, we discuss the criterion for the Douady-Earle extensions to be harmonic.Jiang, ManmanLiu, LixinYao, Hongyu...