在Configure 方法中添加一句 app.UseStaticFiles(); 然后再重新运行一下 访问http://localhost:5000/first.html 本步骤完成. UseStaticFiles()方法:调用一个读取wwwroot文件夹下面的静态文件输出的中间件注册到程序中,从而完成静态文件的输出. 这里也告诉我们,ASP.NET Core的静态文件(JS+CSS+图片…)之类的都可以放这...
AI代码解释 using Serilog;varbuilder=WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);//在下面添加服务器到容器,相当于之前 Startup 类中的 ConfigureServices 方法//添加对 serilog 的使用builder.Host.UseSerilog((hostContext,services,configuration)=>{configuration.WriteTo.File("serilog-file.txt").WriteTo.Console();});v...
在Visual Studio 中:在菜单栏中,工具/选择然后F# Tools/F# Interactive,并调整Use .NET Core Scripting。 在Visual Studio Code(ionide 扩展)中:在命令面板中,首选项:打开用户设置然后Extensions/F#/FSharp: Fsi Sdk 文档路径。 若要了解可用的命令行选项,请参阅F# 交互窗口选项。
在Visual Studio 中:在菜单栏中,工具/选择然后F# Tools/F# Interactive,并调整Use .NET Core Scripting。 在Visual Studio Code(ionide 扩展)中:在命令面板中,首选项:打开用户设置然后Extensions/F#/FSharp: Fsi Sdk 文档路径。 若要了解可用的命令行选项,请参阅F# 交互窗口选项。
How to use .NET(with VS, VS Code, command-line CLI) Install official releases Documentation(Get Started, Tutorials, Porting from .NET Framework, API reference, ...) Deploying apps Support(Releases, OS Versions, ...) Roadmap How can I contribute?
github-merge-flow.jsonc global.json omnisharp.json package-lock.json package.json restore.cmd restore.sh startvs.cmd startvscode.cmd startvscode.sh ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core is an open-source and cross-platform framework for building modern cloud-based internet-connected applications, such as we...
you need a way to stop the server to get final code coverage results. You can useCtrl+Clocally, but not in Azure Pipelines. For these scenarios, you can use sessions. You can specify a session ID when starting collection, and then use theshutdowncommand to stop collection and the server...
你可以添加如下配置:x.UseMongoDB("ConnectionStrings");//注意,仅支持MongoDB 4.0+集群//CAP支持 RabbitMQ、Kafka、AzureServiceBus、AmazonSQS 等作为MQ,根据使用选择配置:x.UseRabbitMQ("ConnectionStrings"); x.UseKafka("ConnectionStrings"); x.UseAzureServiceBus("ConnectionStrings"); x.UseAmazonSQS(); }...
Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008: To use this function in an application, call GetProcAddress to retrieve the function's address from Kernel32.dll. KB2533623 must be installed on the target platform. ...
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