The restructured NuGet packages for dotNetRDF 3.0 are: dotNetRdf- a meta-package that pulls in all of the packages listed below. dotNetRdf.Core- contains the core libraries. This includes support for reading and writing RDF; and for managing and querying RDF data in-memory. ...
Integrations: .NET Aspire integrations are NuGet packages for commonly used services, such as Redis or Postgres, with standardized interfaces ensuring they connect consistently and seamlessly with your app. Tooling: .NET Aspire comes with project templates and tooling experiences for Visual Studio and ... NuGet。帮助您审核项目和解决方案中的 NuGet 包是否存在任何已知的安全漏洞。 .NET Runtime。为 WebAssembly (WASM) 和 Android 带来新的 AOT 编译模式。 https://devblogs.micr...
dotnet nuget push "*.nupkg" ملاحظة If this command doesn't work, it might be due to a bug that existed in older versions of the SDK (.NET Core 2.1 SDK and earlier versions). To fix this, upgrade your SDK version or run the following command instead: dotnet nuget...
Use dotnet-public instead of by@benjaminpetitin#8931 Add Orleans.Runtime to implicit usings by@ReubenBondin#8996 Stop watchdog when container is disposed by@ReubenBondin#8998 Stop silo on Dispose by@ReubenBondin#9000 Dispose all activations when host is disposed by@ReubenBondin#9001...
NuGet.config Change copyright and the link (#148) 6年前 fetch the latest protocol commit (#463) 3年前 appveyor.yml 2.x iteration, upgrade grpc-tools and dotnet version (#457) 3年前 build.cake bugfix: Info of Inner Exception lost. (#391) ...
public static void Main(string[] args) { var host = CreateWebHostBuilder(args).Build(); RunSeeding(host);//esta llamando el alimentador de la base de datos host.Run(); } private static void RunSeeding(IWebHost host) { var scopeFactory = host.Services.GetService<IServiceScopeFactory>()...
docker run --rm -it-v ~/dotnet:/root/dotnet-v ~/.abp:/root/.abp-v ~/.local/share/NuGet/v3-cache:/root/.local/share/NuGet/v3-cache-v ~/.nuget/packages:/root/.nuget/packagessdk31 bash 进入容器后执行如下命令创建项目 # 如果nuget缓存有问题,可以使用一下命令清理缓存dotnetnuget locals...
c025402245f87629a5b49411d66e1cfad2048ee5 .Net: Upgrade to the 8.0 LTS versions of nuget packages (#3672) 69b1d7aa2fd30e52f54d5a430db51156f8e39c4e .Net Clean Old Streaming APIs (#3667) [ #3658 ] ca77b591806eb3dfa398629f179ab82bc273041e .Net: Extract Handlebars planner into it'...
Upgrade to NET Core App 1.1🔗 The scripts now execute (and consume their inline Nuget dependencies) in the context of NET Core App 1.1. Bug Fixes🔗 correctly set the working directory path when resolving#rand#loaddirectives. Additionally, fixed bugs related to#loadand#rresolution when runn...