'dotnet tool restore' does not work correctly when NUGET_PACKAGES (global-packages) is set to an alternative location. Description If you set NUGET_PACKAGES to an alternate folder. "D:\cache" on a build agent for instance, dotnet tool restore#and then directly afterdotnet paket info#or pak...
小伙伴做了一个很好用的 dotnet tool 工具,但是这个工具仅在他的设备上能运行,在我的设备上运行就会...
dotnet tool restore:安裝當前目錄範圍內的 .NET 本機工具。 概要 .NET CLI dotnettoolrestore[--configfile<FILE>][--add-source<SOURCE>][--tool-manifest<PATH_TO_MANIFEST_FILE>][--disable-parallel][--ignore-failed-sources][--no-cache][--interactive][-v|--verbosity<LEVEL>]dotnettoolrestore-h...
通过使用"dotnet-ef"命令,开发人员可以执行数据库迁移、创建数据库、生成实体类等操作。 运行"dotnet tool restore"命令会检查项目文件(.csproj)中的工具包引用,并下载并安装这些工具包。这样,"dotnet-ef"命令就可以在项目中使用了。 推荐的腾讯云相关产品是腾讯云云开发(Tencent Cloud CloudBase),它是一款...
"dotnet tool install/update" not working with Azure Artifacts #10057 New issue Closed Description michael-x opened on Apr 8, 2019 Note Issues in this repo are for tracking bugs, feature requests and questions for the tasks in this repo For a list: https://github.com/Microsoft/azure-pipeli...
before dotnet run ,dotnet restore first Copy C:\Users\v-tiguo\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects>md corecmd1 C:\Users\v-tiguo\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects>cd corecmd1 C:\Users\v-tiguo\Documents\Visual Studio 2017\Projects\corecmd1>dotnet -h .NET Command Line Tools (1.0.0...
dotnet tool restore dotnet tool run dotnet tool search dotnet tool uninstall dotnet tool update dotnet vstest dotnet watch dotnet workload Accesso elevato Abilitare il completamento tramite TAB Sviluppare librerie con l'interfaccia della riga di comando Creare modelli per l'interfaccia della riga ...
RestoreDefaultView RestoreImage RestoreLocalServer RestoreMTR RestoreServiceDependencies RestoreServiceDependenciesWarning RestoreSnapshot ResultsToGrid ResultsToRuleFile ResultsToTextFile ResumePhone Relançar Recuperar Retorno ReturnApplicationInsights Returnparameter ReturnValue ReturnValueCollapsed ReturnValueExpanded Reus...
Normal exec tool: C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe arguments: restore D:\agents\agent1\_work\2\s\<REMOVED>.csproj --configfile D:\agents\agent1\_work\2\Nuget\tempNuGet_60.config --verbosity Normal "C:\Program Files\dotnet\dotnet.exe" restore D:\agents\agent1\_work\2\s\<REMO...
I could have run dotnet restore in advance, of course. Then it also required a rebuild of the project that could not rely on the cache. That was over 13 seconds and another 3.7 to create the publish image. Rebuilding service "valuesaapi" after changes were detected...[+] Building 51.5...