在Web 專案中,如果輸出資料夾位於專案資料夾中,後續dotnet publish命令會導致巢狀輸出資料夾。 例如,如果專案資料夾myproject,而發佈輸出資料夾myproject/publish,而您執行兩次,則第二次執行會將.config和.json檔案等內容檔案放在 myproject/publish/publish中。 若要避免巢狀發佈資料夾,請指定未直接項目資料夾底下的...
dotnet publish- 将应用程序及其依赖项发布到要部署到宿主系统的文件夹。 概要 .NET CLI复制 dotnetpublish[<PROJECT>|<SOLUTION>][-a|--arch<ARCHITECTURE>][--artifacts-path<ARTIFACTS_DIR>][-c|--configuration<CONFIGURATION>][--disable-build-servers][-f|--framework<FRAMEWORK>][--force][--interactive...
在本教學課程中,您將瞭解如何使用 dotnet publish 命令來容器化 .NET 應用程式,而不需使用 Dockerfile。 此外,您會探索如何設定 容器映像 和執行,以及如何清除資源。提示 如果您想要使用 Dockerfile 容器化 .NET 應用程式,請參閱 教學課程:將 .NET 應用程式容器化。
Please note that the specifics of the “dotnet publish” command, such as available options or additional functionality, may vary depending on the version of the .NET framework or the tools you are using. For detailed and up-to-date information, it is recommended to refe...
For executable projects targeting .NET Core 3.0 and later, library dependencies are copied to the output folder. This means that if there isn't any other publish-specific logic (such as Web projects have), the build output should be deployable. ...
Description Publish MAUI Project with project reference To Class library produces errors. Steps to Reproduce Create Maui Project. Add Class library A. Add Class library B. Add project reference from MAUI projects for two class librariles...
I want to build one time and then be done with it. I want everything to be packaged up into something that I can easily deploy and I don't want my environment-specific releases to have to worry about finding and resolving dependencies. Adding this /property:PublishWithAspNe...
installation. Self-contained applications, however, do not get the ready-to-run optimizations. This happens becausedotnet publishcollects implementations binaries from NuGet packages and puts them in the publish directory, and the versions of ASP.NET Core assemblies in NuGet are not crossgen ...
every binding has been split in each own NuGet. The code for those bindings can be found at thenanoFramework.IoT.Device repository. The code had to be transformed to support the specific project type of .NET nanoFramework and other specificities like transforming generic list or span into...
We will be walking through the full development lifecycle including project creation, build, unit testing, run and publish for a modern JavaScript framework. 我们将讨论从 .NET 8 中删除旧的 SPA 模板,以及使用 JavaScript 作为前端的 .NET 的推荐方法 - Visual Studio 和 JavaScript SDK 附带的新多项目...