-- 增加 --> <DotNetCliToolReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools.DotNet" Version="2.0.0" /> <!-- 增加 --> </ItemGroup> $ dotnet restore $ dotnet ef migrations add InitialCreate Bingo!!!
Release tools (#1648) Nov 12, 2020 dotnet.sh Fix misc SOS bugs (#2600) Sep 21, 2021 global.json [main] Update dependencies from dotnet/arcade (#5282) Mar 4, 2025 restore.sh Use darc runtime subscription versions for testing (#682) ...
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef --version 6.0.0 Then you need to add path to bashrc. Open bashrc: vim ~/.bashrc Add following: export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.dotnet/tools/" Then execute this: source ~/.bashrc Share Improve this answer Follow answered Jul 8, 2023 at 15:39...
When installing a tool with dotnet tool install --global on a Mac M1 that has both arm64 and x64 versions of the .NET 6 SDK installed, the tool installs but fails to run because it tries to use the x64 version of libhostfxr.dylib instead...
ef Entity Framework Core command-line tools. user-secrets Manages development user secrets. watch A file watcher that restarts or hot reloads an application when it detects changes in the source code. For more information about each tool, type dotnet <tool-name> --help. Examples Create a new...
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检查计算机上安装的dotnet版本列表,并检查除SDK之外的其他版本,如果计算机上安装了其他dotnet /运行时。
ef Outils en ligne de commande Entity Framework Core. user-secrets Gère les secrets de développement de l’utilisateur. watch Observateur de fichiers qui redémarre ou recharge à chaud une application lorsqu’il détecte des modifications apportées au code source. Pour plus d’informations sur ...
Join Arthur Vickers and Shay Rojansky from the EF team for a tour of these new features, with demos showing the JSON mapping and queries, and value type support. Entity Framework Core 8 (EF8) 引入了几项高度呼声很高的新功能,以及设置 EF Core 以实现未来增强功能的主要底层基础结构更改。新的 ...
ef Entity Framework Core command-line tools. user-secrets Manages development user secrets. watch A file watcher that restarts or hot reloads an application when it detects changes in the source code.For more information about each tool, type dotnet <tool-name> --help.Examples...