To undothisaction,use Remove-Migration.#这句话就是说已经成功创建了迁移 3、将迁移信息生成到数据库 dotnet ef database update #使用命令dotnet ef database update 这个init是要生成的迁移的目录 后面-c 带的是你自己写的entity信息的类名 PM> dotnet ef database update -c ProjectLogsContext Applying mi...
以前使用db.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync()创建数据库,这样创建的数据库无法更新,无法迁移,当数据库作出修改后就会因为兼容旧版而束手无策,只能重新录入数据。基于这种需求,研究了EF提供的Migrations功能。 vs版本:2015,.NetCore版本:1.0.1。 新建项目ConsoleApp1。 想要使用Migrations,需先安装EF命令行工具:Microsoft....
EntityFrameworkCore\Add-Migration InitialCreate EntityFrameworkCore\Update-Database 参考地址:
The content has been generated but the database has not yet been initialized. To prep the database, we need to create a migration and then update the database. Do that with the following commands. dotnet ef migrations add initialMigration This will add a new migration named initialMigration....
EF Core is available onNuGet. Install the provider package corresponding to your target database. See thelist of providersin the docs for additional databases. Use the--versionoption to specify apreview versionto install. Daily builds We recommend using thedaily buildsto get the latest code and...
I created an index on a DateTime property. Then, I changed the property type to DateTimeOffset and created a new migration. When I try to update-database with the new migration, it fails with an error that says that the ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN command failed because one or more objects ...
C#:在Task中使用依赖注入的Service/EFContext dotnet core时代,依赖注入基本已经成为标配了,这就不多说了...前几天在做某个功能的时候遇到在Task中使用EF DbContext的问题,学艺不精的我被困扰了不短的一段时间, 于是有了这个文章. 先说一下代码结构和场景...Consol...
dotnet efonly works in .NET Core projects. If your project targets the full .NET framework, then you’ll need to use the PowerShell commands e.g. add-migration, update-database. Make sure that you are running the command from the folder that contains the project where the Tools package ...
在使用下面的命令时,我已经在mac上安装了2.1 sdkdotnet-efdatabase update --project XXXX.XXXX 我得到一个异常,因为zsh: command notfound:dotnet-ef使用命令dotnet tool install --globaldotnet-ef作为Tool 'dotnet-ef' is already installed.获取异常 然后使用这个命令do ...
首先我们需要找到项目中以扩展名为.proj结尾的文件,其次我们需要注入MSBuild Target,最后则启动进程是调用Target,代码如下: public static void Main(string[] args) { var projectFile = @"D:\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\EFCore2Example\EFCore2Example\EFCore2Example.csproj"; ...