当你遇到“dotnet: command not found”这个错误时,通常意味着你的系统中没有安装.NET SDK,或者.NET SDK的安装路径没有被正确地添加到环境变量PATH中。以下是一些解决步骤,帮助你解决这个问题: 1. 确认用户环境是否已安装.NET SDK 首先,你需要确认你的系统中是否已经安装了.NET SDK。可以在终端(命令行)中输入以...
docker 运行 -bash: dotnet: command not found Docker 运行 dotnet 报错解决方法 1. 引言 在开发过程中,我们经常会使用到 Docker 来运行应用程序。然而,有时候在使用 Docker 运行 dotnet 应用程序时会遇到 “-bash: dotnet: command not found” 的错误提示。本文将教会你如何解决这个问题。 2. 解决步骤 下面是...
LINUX FEDORA38:按照微软的方法安装 dotnet SDK 还是找不到尽管更新了环境变量。简单的 workaround [wx@fedora ~]$ dotnet bash: dotnet: command not found... Install package 'dotnet-host' to provid…
如果输入的命令找不到,系统会返回”command not found”或类似的错误提示信息。所以,当在终端输入”linuxdotnet”命令时,系统提示”未找到命令”。 解决方法:1. 检查命令拼写 确保输入的命令拼写是正确的,命令拼写错误是最常见的原因之一。请确保大小写正确,并注意命令中是否包含特殊字符或空格。 2. 确认程序是否已...
CentOS下 dotnet: command not found CentOS 8,之前装的2.1是正常的,然后卸载了,再装了3.1的SDK就炸了,始终command not found [root@iZwz9883ha8ul4wcjros0tZ /]# sudo dnf install dotnet-sdk-3.1 Last metadata expiration check: 2:55:32 ago on Sat 29 Aug 2020 06:44:23 PM CST. Package dotnet...
Ubutun dotnet-trace:Command not found 提示命令没有找到是因为没有配置环境变量, 先找到dotnet-trace可执行文件位置 find-name dotnet-trace sudovim /etc/profile 添加如下代码 export PATH=$PATH:~/.dotnet/tools 退出编辑,更新配置 source/etc/profile
[happy@] ~$dotnet -bash: dotnet: command not found [happy@] ~$ haf reacted with thumbs up emoji 👍 Copy link Member carlossanlopcommentedNov 19, 2019 Did you close and reopen the command line window after installing the SDK, as the instructions stated?
Could not execute because the specified command or file was not found. Possible reasons for this include:You misspelled a built-in dotnet command. You intended to execute a .NET Core program, but dotnet-ef does not exist. You intended to run a global tool, but a dotnet-prefixed executable...
General ╰─$ dotnet --version zsh: command not found: dotnet ╰─$ whereis dotnet 127 ↵ dotnet: /usr/local/bin/dotnet /usr/share/dotnet ╰─$ which dotnet dotnet not found ╰─$ file dotnet dotnet: broken symbolic link to /usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet ...