是指通过dotnet命令行工具中的build命令来重新编译项目。dotnet build命令用于编译一个或多个项目,并生成可执行文件或库文件。 dotnet build命令的语法如下: 代码语言:txt 复制 dotnet build [options] <PROJECT | SOLUTION> 其中,<PROJECT | SOLUTION>表示要编译的项目或解决方案文件的路径。
dotnet build- 建置專案和其所有相依性。 概要 .NET CLI複製 dotnetbuild[<PROJECT>|<SOLUTION>][-a|--arch<ARCHITECTURE>][--artifacts-path<ARTIFACTS_DIR>][-c|--configuration<CONFIGURATION>][-f|--framework<FRAMEWORK>][--disable-build-servers][--force][--interactive][--no-dependencies][--no-in...
运行dotnet build 等同于运行 dotnet msbuild -restore;但是,输出的默认详细程度不同。 工作负载清单下载 运行此命令时,它将为工作负载启动播发清单的异步后台下载。 如果此命令完成后,下载仍在运行,则将停止下载。 有关详细信息,请参阅播发清单。 自变量 PROJECT | SOLUTION 要生成的项目或解决方案文件。 如果未...
In previous versions of dotnet core, you could build a solution with the runtime flag -r and it would build for that target (ex. dotnet build -c Release -r win-x64. Now however with RC2 it appears to echo out the error: error NETSDK1134:...
dotnet build- Builds a project and all of its dependencies. Synopsis .NET CLICopy dotnetbuild[<PROJECT>|<SOLUTION>][-a|--arch<ARCHITECTURE>][--artifacts-path<ARTIFACTS_DIR>][-c|--configuration<CONFIGURATION>][-f|--framework<FRAMEWORK>][--disable-build-servers][--force][--interactive][--...
We tend to take it as granted that someone must build the support for a new language or platform to run unit tests. This applies especially in the .NET world where there is a large choice with for example tools like xUnit, NUnit, Coverlet and more. ...
provides an XML schema for a project file that controls how the build platform processes and builds software. Visual Studio uses MSBuild, but MSBuild can run without Visual Studio. By invoking msbuild.exe on your project or solution file, you can orchestrate and build products in environments ...
build.sh Set Roslyn.sln as the default solution on unix Aug 24, 2022 dotnet-tools.json Move to newer CodeStyle, dotnet-format and compiler toolset NuGet pac… Jun 14, 2023 global.json Move internal tools restore out of CI yaml and into eng/build.ps1 (#7… ...