dotnet build -a x86可用的RID(运行时标识符)值有:Windows:win-x64、win-x86、win-arm64Linux:linux-x64、linux-musl-x64、linux-musl-arm64、linux-arm、linux-arm64、linux-bionic-arm64macOS:osx-x64osx-arm64IOS:ios-arm64Android:android-arm64 指定构建的配置模式 默认为 Debug,可选 Release,...
dotnet build Build a project and its dependencies using Release configuration: .NET CLI Copiere dotnet build --configuration Release Build a project and its dependencies for a specific runtime (in this example, Linux): .NET CLI Copiere dotnet build --runtime linux-x64 Build the project...
dotnetbuild--configurationRelease Build a project and its dependencies for a specific runtime (in this example, Linux): .NET CLI dotnetbuild--runtimelinux-x64 Build the project and use the specified NuGet package source during the restore operation: ...
dotnet build --self-contained [true|false] 清理构建输出 仅清理构建期间创建的输出,中间文件目录:obj和 最终输出目录 bin 指定项目或solution dotnet clean <PROJECT|SOLUTION> 清理指定配置构建的输出目录 dotnet clean -c|--configuration <CONFIGURATION> 示例: dotnet clean -c Release 清理指定框架构建的输出目...
"problemMatcher":"$msCompile"},{"label":"dotnet build release","command":"dotnet","type":"process","args":["build","${workspaceFolder}/MySolution.sln","/property:GenerateFullPaths=true","/consoleloggerparameters:NoSummary;ForceNoAlign","--configuration=Release"],"problemMat...
/p:Configuration=Release /maxcpucount /p:Version=1.6.0-beta/p:AssemblyVersion= 这样,当执行命令dotnet build或dotnet msbuild时,将执行这些事情: 使用Release 配置进行编译 当前计算机有多少 CPU 核,就使用多少个进程进行并行编译 NuGet 包打包版本设置为 1.6.0-beta(这将覆盖 csproj 中设置的 Version...
- "dotnet build -c release" # 因为 job 不会用到上一个 job 创建的文件,所以需要重新执行编译 - 'nuget push bin\release\*.nupkg -Source Origin -SkipDuplicate -ApiKey $NuGetKey' # 通过 NuGet 上传到 Origin 源,请将这个 Origin替换为你需要上传的链接,另外 $NuGetKey 是在全局配置的变量,在本...
Thedotnet runcommand provides a convenient option to run your application from the source code with one command. It's useful for fast iterative development from the command line. The command depends on thedotnet buildcommand to build the code. Any requirements for the build apply todotnet runas ...
摘要获取有关可用命令和环境的信息: dotnet [--version] [--info] [--list-runtimes] [--list-sdks] dotnet -h|--help 运行命令(...描述 dotnet 命令有两个函数:它提供了用于处理 .NET 项目的命令。例如,dotnet build ...
可能是由于以下几个原因导致的: 1. 系统环境问题:确保你的操作系统满足Dotnet工具的最低要求,并且已经安装了必要的依赖项。例如,对于Windows系统,你需要安装.NET Framework,...