react-native-dotenv是一个用于在React Native项目中管理环境变量的库。它允许开发人员在不同的环境中使用不同的配置,例如开发环境、测试环境和生产环境。 具体来说,react-native-dotenv提供了以下功能: 环境变量管理:通过在项目根目录下创建一个名为.env的文件,开发人员可以定义...
1.安装react-native-dotenv npm install react-native-dotenv --save //或者 yarn add react-native-dotenv 1. 2. 3. 2.在你的.babelrc(如果没有新建一个)文件中配置一下设置 简单配置,都使用默认参数 { "plugins": [ ["module:react-native-dotenv"] ] } 定制配置,自定义 { "plugins": [ ["module...
react-native-dotenv: 以下 以Typescript 为例 使用步骤 yarn add react-native-dotenv yarn add -D @types/react-native-dotenv 在babel.config.js文件中 plugins 字段中 [ "module:react-native-dotenv", { moduleName: "@env", path: ".env", safe:...
1.安装react-native-dotenv npminstall react-native-dotenv 2.在你的.babelrc(如果没有新建一个)文件中配置一下设置 简单配置,都使用默认参数 {"plugins": [ ["module:react-native-dotenv"] ] } 定制配置,自定义 {"plugins": [ ["module:react-native-dotenv", {"envName":"APP_ENV","moduleName":"...
api.cache(true);return{presets: ["babel-preset-expo","module:react-native-dotenv"], }; }; Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) PORT=8082 Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 应用程序.js importReactfrom"react";import{View,Text}from"react-native";import{PORT}from"@env";exportfunc...
我正在尝试在3个不同的环境中使用typescript应用程序来启动我的react原生应用程序-开发,本地和测试。但当我运行APP_ENV=testing expo start或APP_ENV=development expo start时,它总是在本地环境下运行。我尝试过使用APP_ENV=testing expo r -c或APP_ENV=development expo r -c和yarn start --reset-cache以及...
The problem: when you use react-native-dotenv in an app with expo-router, the react-native-dotenv babel plugin will clobber all of the expo-router env vars and inject an env var that is normally only set for the sake of type generation. ...
$ npm install -D react-native-dotenv If you are using Yarn: $ yarn add -D react-native-dotenv Breaking changes: moving fromv0.xtov2.xchanges both the setup and usage of this package. Please see themigration guide. Many have been asking about the reasons behind recent changes in this ...
This project is a front-end web application developed using TypeScript and React Native, aiming to streamline the borrowing and returning of books through a self-service kiosk in a library. react typescript react-native react-navigation axios mobile-development react-native-vector-icons react-native...