professional tournament matches. dota2protracker will continue providing the best meta updates and hero builds! stay tuned, updates will come soon! hero winrate matches contest rate d2pt rating invoker 55.4% 766 37% 3119 earthshaker 52.2% 916 32% 3096 ancient apparition 54.0% 914 38% 3095 ...
invi - invisibility缩写。invi rune 隐身符,drow invi 对面小黑隐身了注意点嗷,这个包括隐身符和隐刀造成的隐身,只说隐刀的情况用sb(shadow blade)/silver edge(大隐刀) es - 就是英雄首字母缩写,只不过很重复,可以是小牛,土猫,火猫,好像还有想不起来了。有重复的时候可以用shaker/earth spirit/ember,记不住就...
功能性和小黑大招重合过多,以至于实战几乎见不到人出,这不是我在信口雌黄,以上的分析都有d2pt上的数据作为佐证( 可以从数据看出,蝴蝶小黑远远多于大炮小黑,并且在大部分高分对局里根本见不到金箍棒小黑,如果有人对你说小黑要出金箍棒,那很可能是他并不了解这个...
Cloud 9's Visage + Drow Ranger Strategy 总决赛 Preview: Newbee vs Vici Gaming 模板:Endflatlist 2P 模板:Flatlist The International 4 Predictions Dissecting the TI4 Meta: Blink Dagger Some Groupstage Day #1 Predictions Soaring to New Heights - Skywrath Mage, the 2nd Most Picked Hero at TI4 ...
Dusa has nothing to increase her rightclick damage, why did you think she would do more damage than drow without rapiers? Medusas playstyle is to farm 60 minutes until she has 6 slots (and 2 of those slots are rapiers) and then you just a-click down middle lane and nobody can stop...
Buying Mask of Badness on Sniper and Drow (heroes with bad surviability/mobility) is prob the most trollish build in game. Okay so let me get the logic on this you have a hero with bad mobility you buy an item that gives 30% ms you still have bad mobility??? Like I said, you'...
pt.dotabuff.comの上位代替サイトを明らかにし、潜在的なまたは新興の競合を見つける。 は、 との類似性スコアが最も高いウェブサイトです。その理由を明らかにする - ここをクリック すべての競合を分析する シェア ...
顯示 的熱門替代方案,尋找潛在或新興的競爭對手。 dota2protracker.com是與 的相似度評分最高的網站。了解原因:點擊此處以分析所有競爭對手 分享 網站 關聯性 每月訪問量 類別 同類排名 dota2protracker.com100%4.1M遊戲 > 電子遊戲機和配件#824分析dota2protracker.com對比至dota...
Also, I don't think Drow will beat any hero mid. Her orb takes too long to cast, people can just walk away. What she excels at in mid lane is hugging the tower and sniping creeps with her 180 damage at level 6. With that in mind, a naked OD hits 1200 something mana just from...