1071 39% 3074 axe 54.2% 461 18% 3070 ancient apparition 53.5% 533 16% 3068 mirana 51.3% 990 20% 3062 invoker 51.8% 1140 46% 3062 dark seer 51.8% 822 18% 3056 monkey king 52.4% 858 23% 3053 keeper of the light 50.8% 398 11% 3052 bane 58.6% 220 9% 3050 earthshaker 52.4% 953 ...
find in-depth stats for all heroes on dota2protracker.com/meta top individual performances riddys kda 8/3/39 mmr 14433 time 20h ago duration 47:21 match id 8204585323 desire kda 7/8/45 mmr 13936 time 20h ago duration 65:56 match id 8204641019 xne kda 41/4/18 mmr 13987 time 2d ago...
51.0% 2031 39% 3103 jakiro 50.1% 2780 60% 3101 monkey king 51.7% 1481 23% 3101 axe 53.7% 834 18% 3094 lifestealer 51.5% 1431 49% 3094 tinker 54.1% 1219 34% 3087 keeper of the light 51.4% 622 10% 3074 lion 52.0% 1108 28% 3073 bane 57.5% 391 8% 3072 io 53.5% 536 14% ...
u gotta be kiddin me 废物斧王搁这儿闹呢 其实也可以阴阳的说一句wp axe/bravo/任何夸夸 sob - son of bitch 这咋翻译 龟孙er??? bastard - 混蛋 字面意思私生子 不推荐使用 感觉很老派 谁用这个骂人啊 throw - 不好好玩,不想赢 axe's throwing 这斧王不想赢 gg imma throw没了我不玩了 right click...
Just take Axe/Legionnaire, Battle Hunger actually opens up a lot of play styles and builds, Charge just means that all you will ever be doing is Charge>Taunt>Ult (or just Blink>Taunt>Charge) and then run around in circles. For most HoN heroes you just had to read the tooltips once ...
Max stack is 12 and after that it automatically procs which to me is great since its less RNGy than Counter Helix on Axe atm. Which is PRD in a nutshell. Which Dota 2 has. Which is a mechanic Counter Helix is an exception from in Dota 2. Reply With Quote ...
1131 10% 2917 lich 48.0% 971 16% 2913 batrider 44.4% 863 9% 2901 medusa 48.7% 1168 13% 2900 axe 49.5% 1510 18% 2899 centaur warrunner 46.7% 550 7% 2894 ursa 48.6% 1451 13% 2892 ogre magi 47.7% 1544 13% 2892 chaos knight 43.0% 697 8% 2891 invoker 49.4% 3875 44% 2889 storm...
throw - 不好好玩,不想赢 axe's throwing 这斧王不想赢 gg imma throw没了我不玩了 right clicker - 靠平a输出的英雄/出装(右键点点就能玩的简单英雄,比如火枪) this sniper can't even right click 这火枪连点人都不会 也可以跟你的辅助说让他a人 just click him ...