This post will provide all the link of Dota-Allstars AI Map from the oldest until the latest Dota AI map. If you found broken download links, please email me. Also, if you found a new Dota AI map and not yet listed here, please kindly drop a comment here to notify me. You can ...
Dota AI Map. DotA-Blog provide the latest official DotA map download, DotA AI map, DotA guides, items and hero guides and the latest news about DotA.
What are Dota Ai maps for? You want to train/test newDota heroes or tactics. You have no connection, but want to play Doto. You want to fill up LAN games with bots. Dota Ai 6.88is the proper map build on the Allstars MapDota 6.88. ...
Updates. The maker of AI maps (BuffMePlz) has not posted any updates regarding Dota 6.63 AI Plus map. It will take some time for BMP to make Dota v6.63 AI Map because there has been a lot of changes recently done by IceFrog. All the Dota 6.63 AI news/updates will be posted here...
DotA是Defense of the Ancients的简称,是指基于魔兽争霸3:冰封王座的多人即时对战、自定义地图,可支持10个人同时连线游戏。Dota以对立的两个小队展开对战,通常是5v5,游戏目的是守护自己的远古遗迹(近卫方的世界之树、天灾方的冰封王座),同时摧毁对方的远古遗迹。Dot
DotA v6.88 AI Chinese. This AI map which already updated into DotA 6.88. However it is still in Chinese language, the english version will be coming soon. DotA 6.88 AI Chinese.w3x (7 MB)
dota6.77bai简体中文版是魔兽争霸的对战地图,比起之前的版本修复了bug,增强了平衡性,喜欢dota的筒子们快来IT猫扑下载吧! dota6.77b地图 dota6.82ai中文版 8M / 2017-03-27 / 正式版8M下载 dota地图6.82ai是冰蛙制作的dota游戏地图,该地图修正了许多英雄的伤害和技能,在玩家中引起了广泛的争议,感兴趣的就来IT猫...
DotA IMBA v1.0 AI EN Map is one more addition in the huge database of DotA based fun-mode maps. The term imba is derived from "Imbalance" word which is often used as online gaming slang. DotA IMBA is certainly an imbalance map, It has IMBA-fied abilities of every hero in DotA. ...
dota ai地图哪个好玩?dota ai地图就没有不好玩的!随着版本的更新,新的英雄,新的装备的加入,越来越多的新玩法也被玩家开发出来,玩法多乐趣自然就多啦!IT猫扑dota ai地图版本大全包含多款最新dota ai中文版地形下载,爱玩dota ai地图的筒子们快来看看吧!
-ai - "All Intelligence"的简称;强迫所有玩家只能选择智力型英雄。-ap - "All Pick"的简称;玩家可以从敌对双方所有的酒馆中选择英雄。-as - "All Strength"的简称;强迫所有玩家只能选择力量型英雄。-ar - "All Random"的简称;所有玩家使用随机从所有酒馆中选出的英雄开始游戏。在这个模式下重新选择需要的花费...