Description If you watch any replay in the game, the game will crash. This happens in regular replays, and replays in "Overwatch" The game simply crashes, no errors are displayed. Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp) No response Screenshots No response...
Replay is stuck in pause, unable to be resumed. Camera still works. If you quit the replay and watch it again, the whole game goes by in 16x speed. None of the replay controls work (can't slow down, cant pause, cant Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp) ...
cl_ent_animgraph_record cl, cheat Toggles recording of animgraph replay of the given entity(s) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} cl_ent_attachments cl, cheat Displays the attachment points on an entity. Arguments...
Fixed client side replay recording. They are recorded with the 'record <filename>' console command Fix bug causing connect/disconnect button to show as “reconnect” immediately after connection attempt starts, until initial communication is received from gameserver Added and updated several language ...
demo_timescale Sets demo replay speed. demo_togglepause Toggles demo playback. demo_usefastgoto 1 Use fast frame skipping when available for demo_goto commands. demo_writefullupdate_rate 60 Interval time in seconds to write full updates to demo. demolist Print demo sequence list. demos...
定期(暂定每周一次)由机器人搬运V社github已经关闭的issue从而得知dota2近期的动向,以及修复了哪些bug。由于BUG追踪器存在部分无用内容,请自行筛取想了解的内容。 重要提示: 该搬运为试验阶段,初衷为分享V社的动向,避免信息差。全部内容均为github反馈的网友观点,搬运不包含任何NGA版务组主观观点。
Ranked By 1.9K votes 514 voters 1 reranks Voting Rules Vote up the top YouTubers for 'Dota 2'. Here are the best Dota 2 YouTube channels to subscribe to for games, spectators, and fans. From pro players to official replay channels, these popular Dota YouTubers feature gameplay tutorial...
Fixed client side replay recording. They are recorded with the 'record <filename>' console command Fix bug causing connect/disconnect button to show as “reconnect” immediately after connection attempt starts, until initial communication is received from gameserver ...
If set the ID of a tournament match, the "Watch Replay" button will be shown, and clicking on it will start the replay downloading & watching process. "info" A string containing extra information about this result. Will be shown in the results popup dialog. "result_override" An optional ...
dota_replay_upload_script 0 Name of the script used to upload replay files. dota_reset_camera_on_spawn 0 If enabled, camera will reset to your hero when you respawn. dota_restrict_partner_type_chat 1 Disallow chat between certain partner types. dota_roshan_halloween_game_end_time 3 Д...