Linux/Mac: Fixed the setting to not play sounds on the desktop not working Fixed a bug where the missed message count would be wrong if you left a chat channel Fixed the hero browser displaying incorrectly on some resolutions Fixed some resolutions being missing in full screen mode Fixed being...
Linux/Mac: Fixed the setting to not play sounds on the desktop not working Fixed a bug where the missed message count would be wrong if you left a chat channel Fixed the hero browser displaying incorrectly on some resolutions Fixed some resolutions being missing in full screen mode ...
And after some games there notification spawning that somebody was punished but only for toxic voice or chat abuse. For smurfing zero punishements notifiocations come to me. My conculusion - its not working. I have reported boosted accounts 100 percent know that it boosted and no actions ...
changelevel2 changelevel2 :Singe player change level. chat_channel_debug Print members of a chat channel chat_clear Clears all chat history chat_dump_channels chat_join Join a chat channel chat_leave Leave a chat channel chat_say Send a message to the specified channel chat_sound...
March 4, 2025–March 11, 2025 Period:1 week Overview 0Active pull requests 143Active issues 0 Merged pull requests 0 Open pull requests 21 Closed issues 122 New issues There hasn’t been any commit activity on ValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay in the last week. ...
- Fixed Necrophos voice and spawn lines - 修复了风行和死灵法师声音、出生的一些问题 - Fixed all chat not working sometimes - 修复了有些时候,所有人聊天不工作的问题 - Fixed various bugs with screen resolutions - 修复了关于屏幕分辨率的一些BUG ...
Before he lost weight, people used term "250kg Beast" to describe him whenever he showed himself publicly, on stream, a tournament or made an outstanding play (In positive and negative meaning) while playing a game, not necessarily Dota 2. The...
Dota Plus Voice LinesThe best channel point reward on Twitch!** 2025 - Added understand Nov 2024 - Added kez and vengeful imperia
- Spectators watching Dota TV can now access the dashboard chat channels. - All broadcasters in a channel now transmit their voice to spectators that have selected that channel. GAMEPLAY: - Bloodseeker: Fixed Blood Bath not working on siege units. ...
changelevel2 changelevel2 :Singe player change level. chat_channel_debug Print members of a chat channel chat_clear Clears all chat history chat_dump_channels chat_join Join a chat channel chat_leave Leave a chat channel chat_say Send a message to the specified channel chat_sound...