February 19, 2025 Explore Wandering Waters in the 7.38 Gameplay UpdateRead More NewsUpdates February 22, 2025 Dota 2 Update - 2/21/2025 Over the last few days we've addressed the following issues: Fixed heroes in Ability Draft not having innate abilities Fixed Lotus Pool timers showing regular...
Product Update - Valve 2012 年 1 月 19 日Updates to Dota 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. Fixes include:GAMEPLAY- Enabled Invoker!- Bloodseeker: Fixed Rupture not hurting heroes when they blink.- Bounty Hunter: Fixed Track ...
Broodmother: Fixed the wrong web sometimes getting removed when a new one is added. Broodmother: Fixed the Spiderlings and Spiderite passive abilities working on buildings and mechanical units. Broodmother: Fixed Spawn Spiderlings not being a projectile. Broodmother: Fixed Insatiable Hunger being purga...
1月14日DOTA2客户端更新:超长名字不再有 今天主客户端有一个68.2MB(带创意工坊工具)的小更新,除了修复一些BUG外,还修复玩家名字利用代码显示英雄背景的问题。 干**女 作者chroneco 今天主客户端有一个68.2MB(带创意工坊工具)的小更新,只是一些BUG的修复,没有其他什么内容. 先看看英文更新日志 Dota 2 Update - ...
Dota 2 Update - December 19th, 2013 Product Update - Valve WRAITH-NIGHT - Added Queen of Pain, Storm Spirit, Templar Assassin, Witch Doctor, and Elder Titan to Wraith-Night. - Added new rewards to Wraith-Night. - Juggernaut now gains evasion during Blade Fury. ...
Other News Following the most recent news, here are some additional TI 2023 developments to watch out for: The Meta: The Meta is always changing in Dota 2, and it will be interesting to see what the Meta is like at TI 2023. Some of the strongest heroes in the current Meta include:...
Dota 6.78 AI Map Download News and Update. DotA 6.78 has just coming out with 2 new heroes. And people will need the DotA 6.78 AI to learn the new heroes and adapt the massive changes. That's why this page is created! We will provide you with the latest news of the DotA 6.78 AI ...
NeutralCreeps is a dedicated blog to the popular Warcraft3 custom map called DotA (Defense of the Ancients).Make this your one stop resource for news about: Warcraft 3 DotA, Dota 2, and Heroes of Newerth. Don't forget to subscribe!
Head on over to the New Frontiers update page for all the details. But don't head over just yet, read this sentence first: The Berlin major is on April 26th, and Fantasy/Player Cards are now available. Okay, now go. Here's the link again. Read full story...