Dota_2_命令大全(完整版).pdf,The following list isNote: Commands with quotYesquot in quotCheatquot column require s Command Default Cheat_autosave_autosavedangerous_bugreporter_restart_cl_minimapzoom 1_fov 0_overview_mode 1_record_restartachievement_deb
1、The time has come. 是时候了 2、We must act! 我们必须行动了!3、My blade thirsts 我的刀刃渴望着……4、Quickly! 快!5、Command Me! 命令我吧!6、Time to raise hell! 呼唤地狱的时刻到了 7、Your soul is mine! 你的灵魂属于我 8、Though I be damned! 就算我是被诅咒的!9...
一技能 Time Walk:时间漫游 二技能 Time Dilation:时间膨胀 Dilation:扩张、膨胀,近义词有distend 选C 意思是当你做蛋挞的时候挞皮不戳几个洞,蒸汽出不去,就会让蛋挞壳膨胀,像个气球一样。 被动Time Lock:时间锁定 大Chronosphere:时间结界 Chrono表示按时间顺序的 Chronology表示年代学、年表 Sphere表示球体,时间-...
Dota_2_命令大全(完整版)The following list isNote: Commands with quotYesquot in quotCheatquot column require s Command Default Cheat_autosave_autosavedangerous_bugreporter_restart_cl_minimapzoom 1_fov 0_overview_mode 1_record_restartachievement_debug 0 Yesactivategameuiaddipadsp_alley_min 122adsp...
-Click my baby,one more time!click: 点击点我呀,宝贝,再来一次!秀逗魔导士(中等难度的2)-For the Alliance!alliance: 联盟为了联盟!-You wish is my command!wish: 愿望 command: 命令您的意愿就是我的命令!-Now victory shall be ours.胜利属于我们-Without delay!delay: 耽搁马上!秀逗魔导师(中等难度的...
"Byyourcommand."听从您的命令"Yes."是的"Brilliant."真聪明"Yeaaah!"对的"InAzshara'sname."以艾萨拉的名义Fortheempress"为了女王ATTACK:攻击语音"ForNashatar."为了那沙塔"Tastemysting."吃我一刺!"Verashasar."娜迦语ATTACKHERO:攻击英雄"Atherobathtrenas!"娜迦语 来自Android客户端2楼2014-02-09 23:55 ...
dota_minimap_hero_scalar_minimum 500 None dota_minimap_hero_size 600 None dota_minimap_hero_spread 0 None dota_minimap_hero_spread_distance 2 None dota_minimap_hide_background 0 None dota_minimap_misclick_time 0 Minimum time after the mouse enters the minimap before we accept a move command....
Dont waste my time 别浪费我时间Tremble before me! 在我面前颤抖吧!移动Ahh~ 啊~~~What a foolish glory 多傻的荣耀啊Pitful 真黑I bring darkness 我带来了黑暗呀~~You failed to amuse me 你根本没能让我开心~攻击I go to destory 我去破坏This would please me 这会让我高兴To the Slaughter 杀杀...
It misses many more libs: I tried to fix the new dota2 runtime while pulling libs from the heavy steamruntime from the beta steam client: "" is wrong is in the new runtime it is "", it misses libharbuzz, libfribid, libthai, etc. manticore...