The International 2011 TI1 Champion: Natus Vincere The beginning of what would eventually become a yearly tradition took place at a GamesCom trade show in Cologne, Germany from August 17 to 21. It was also shortly after the five-day event that Dota 2 was made accessible to the public via...
C5game游戏饰品交易平台,提供专业的dota2Yatoro雨 Player Sticker - TI 2023 Champion热门饰品、dota2Yatoro雨 Player Sticker - TI 2023 Champion皮肤等dota2Yatoro雨 Player Sticker - TI 2023 Champion饰品交易服务,各种品质、类型、稀有度、槽位的dota2Yatoro雨 Playe
Dota 2 pro player and TI champion Loda expressed concerns over the substantial decrease in The International's prize pool for this year's tournament.
【hOlyhexOr】 TOP-1 Soft Support Play of every International (TI1-TI11) 191 -- 11:10 App 【hOlyhexOr】 BEST WOMBO COMBOS of 2022 – Dota 2 14 -- 13:51 App 【hOlyhexOr】 Tundra TI11 The International 2022 Champion - Best Plays Dota 2 140 -- 15:38 App 【hOlyhexOr】 Nisha ...
There is no arguing that Monaspa needs this victory a lot more than their opponents. Despite having the required motivation, we think the Monaspa vs Tundra Esports matchup will end up favoring the Dota 2 TI champion. Tundra is just better than its opponents. ...
The first The International took place in 2011. Then Valve decided to hold the tournament as part of the Gamescom video game exhibition in Cologne. 16 invited teams competed for a record prize fund for eSports at that time, namely $1,600,000. The first Dota 2 world champion was the Ukra...
如果没有这波禁赛,DPC2要成背后老板的游乐园了 现在,不只是DPC1的S级队伍骑士,还有其老板准备在DPC2换皮的S级战队A…阅读全文 赞同1410 条评论 分享收藏喜欢 如何看待杰出哥质疑《DOTA2》2023 赛季 DPC 联赛 S 级 队伍 Knight 开挂? 买熏鸡的小女孩 萧瑟秋风今又是,换了Champion ...
赛事组织PGL宣布2021至2022赛季DPC最后一个Major将于8月4日至14日在美国德克萨斯州阿灵顿市举办。18支全球顶级战队将来到北美最大的电竞专用场馆Esports Stadium Arlington争夺进入TI所需的DPC积分。 英雄联盟手游职业联赛公布品牌合作及全球性赛事规划 2022年-2023年,英雄联盟手游职业联赛确立了品牌合作版图:首席合作伙伴一...
今年3月,国际奥委会 (IOC) 公布了 2023 年奥林匹克电子竞技系列赛的详细信息,在《堡垒之夜》入选前,国际奥委会并未选择如《英雄联盟》,《CS:GO》等知名电竞游戏,而是选择了传统体育类。 据介绍,本次《堡垒之夜》比赛内容并非大家熟悉的大逃杀模式,而是采用特殊的邀请赛,12 名来自 Fortnite Champion Series 的选手...