Items Counter Infused Raindrops Infused Raindrops: Infused Raindrops can aid in the early detection of certain mines. Sentry Ward Sentry Wards and Gem of True Sight: Sentry Wards and the Gem of True Sight are essential for defeating Techies. Observer Ward Observer Wards: Because Techies seldom...
Ti4 Techies: The View From The Crowd What happens when a cameraman stands too close to an exploding stage? Watch and see! Sneak into the Secret Shop at TI4 with Cyborgmatt Matt cracks into the Secret Shop during the special VIP preview and spends a ton of money. See all the stuff you...
Counter Helix chance to activate increased from 17% to 20% Culling Blade no longer ignores Linken's Sphere [[bane]] Aghanim's Scepter Fiend's Grip now also causes anyone who attacks Bane while he is channeling to be afflicted with Nightmare [[batrider]] Flaming Lasso cooldown increased ...
The experience was dominated by the need to counter the Techies pick: I didn't plan to play a game of Minesweeper when I joined the queue, but that's what I got. Somebody else's hero decision entirely changed the type of game I could play.The fact that a single hero can have this...
Counter Helix cooldown improved from 0.45/0.4/0.35/0.3 to 0.3 Counter Helix chance reduced from 20% to 17/18/19/20% Culling Blade now deals damage through Spell Immunity (as a result of the Spell Immunity change) [[bane:reworked]] Reworked Enfeeble. Now a passive. Your abilities now pl...
Techies Spleen's Secret Sauce C 47.25% -1.07% 2.19% 0.08% 0.71% Disruptor Kinetic Fence C 48.39% -2.90% 0.17% 0.00% 0.21% Primal Beast Ferocity C 48.12% -1.04% 0.87% 0.39% 0.17% Mirana Leaps and Bounds C 48.25% 0.40% 0.55% -0.10% 0.11% Mars Victory Feast C 48.0...
Hey, I’m Zathong and this guide is about Heroes counter picks in Dota 2. These picks are strong against Heroes at many stages of the game.
5. Techies: Suicide 炸弹人: 自杀 6. Techies: Land mine 炸弹人: 地雷 7. Gorgon: Purge 蛇发女妖: 净化(即减速效果) 8. Axe: Counter Helix 斧王: 反制螺旋 9. Axe: Culling Blade 斧王: 淘汰之刃 10. Nerubian Assasin: Vendetta 小强: 大...
5. Techies: Suicide 炸弹人: 自杀 6. Techies: Land mine 炸弹人: 地雷 7. Gorgon: Purge 蛇发女妖: 净化(即减速效果) 8. Axe: Counter Helix 斧王: 反制螺旋 9. Axe: Culling Blade 斧王: 淘汰之刃 10. Nerubian Assasin: Vendetta 小强: 大...
Techies - Remote mine now adds to your most recently placed mine to your selection panel as a secondary unit Tidehunter - Kraken Shell reworked, instead of removing buffs in time intervals, buffs are now removed whenever 600 HP is lost from player based damage. The counter is reset whenever ...