dota_teamscore_enable 1 dota_test_buyback dota_test_glyph dota_test_npc Creates a testing npc. dota_ti_announcements_left_cycle_time 8 dota_ti_announcements_no_team_logos 0 dota_ti_announcements_right_cycle_time 15 dota_ti_announcements_update_fantasy_time 30 dota_ti_announcements...
De grootste DOTA 2-esportstoernooien, zoals The International, evenals topteams als Team Secret en Newbee gebruikengrafische kaarten van de GeForceenNVIDIA G-SYNC™-beeldschermen als hun favoriete grafische wapens. 'HET OFFICIËLE GRAFISCHE PLATFORM VAN THE INTERNATIONAL' ...
文件:Team logo Sector V.png 基本资料Sector V是一支秘鲁的职业Dota 2战队。 历史2015-09-02: 战队创建。2015-09-30: 战队与 Elite Wolves签约。 队员名单FormerID Name Position Join Date Leave Date 模板:Icon flag VaNn Juan Carlos Tito Carrizales 1 2015-08-29 2015-09-30 模板:Icon flag SmAs...
TI即DOTA2国际邀请赛、The International DOTA2 Championships的简称。而去年,主播Zard接受粉丝提议,搞了一个互联网大厂的DOTA2邀请赛——“The Internet邀请赛”,缩写依然是TI。 该比赛参赛选手均来自于互联网厂商,最终选手们组成了16支队伍。 让手谈姬没想到的是,这个比赛今年居然要办第二届,将于11月19日举行,可...
Predict the winners, vote on awards, compete with your friends, win special items, all while supporting the teams.
Teams, Spieler und Kommentatoren besitzen die Rechte für ihre Namen, Bilder und Logos. Deshalb können wir Markengegenstände nur veröffentlichen, wenn der Inhaber der Markenrechte miteinbezogen wurde und der Einnahmeaufteilung zugestimmt hat....
Team Logo is required TEAMS PARTICIPATING IN THE INTERNATIONAL WHO DO NOT PLAN TO SUBMIT FAN BUNDLES ARE STILL REQUIRED TO SUBMIT TEAM LOGOS. File Format: .PNG Dimensions: 1024x1024 Pixels Aspect Ratio: Square (1:1) Transparent Background Content must not contain advertisements or sponsor...
其实一直以来有想说把DOTA2生态的现状展开聊聊。一是没有时间,与其聊生态,不如先把事情做好。二是聊这些其实意义并不是很大,不如做事。可见Kyle应该是最近实在闲得无聊,羡慕。 文章主要说的是西方DOTA2的生态,国内的生态有不一样的地方,也有很多类似的困难。各位如果更关注国内的DOTA2生态,权当管中窥豹吧,但愿窥...
In short, Dota 2 is a real-time strategy with elements of a role playing game with themain aim of destroying opponents’ Ancientpositioned in the left of their stronghold. The stronghold is protected by three rows of towers downthree lanes– top, middle and bottom. In-game roles are distri...
The biggestDOTA2esports tournaments, like The International, as well as top teams like Team Secret and Newbee count onGeForce graphics cardsandNVIDIA G-SYNC™ monitorsas their graphics weapons of choice. THE OFFICIAL GRAPHICS PLATFORM OF THE INTERNATIONAL ...