With many roster changes, World Elite eventually made it as one of the top DotA teams in China.模板:Citation needed After The International 2 WE disbanded their Dota 2 team.[1] 历史 战队名单 当前 注:本处显示的战队人员名单来自Valve官方API中对应战队的现有成员,某些情况下队员已经事实离队,但...
making it the only team in this season’s SEA DPC Division 1 to have made so few changes. Ralph Richard “RR” A. Peñano, long-term Position 5 player and captain of the team, left the team — and indeed the pro gamer life — after over a decade of shuffling...
DotA News: Ks.int and Ks.cn Roster Changes | GosuGamersLast Checked 2016-06-01 6:37:46 PM 6.http://www.ligagame.com/forum/index.php?topic=72154.0DTS adds Go[blin], Dendi, Axypa and TravkaLast Checked 2016-06-01 7:29:58 PM 7.http://www.liquiddota.com/forum/dota-2-general/...
Team Dignitas DotA 2 Roster Changes: Bdiz retires, DeMoN joins - Articles - Team Dignitas : Professional Gaming TeamLast Checked 2015-03-07 4:53:17 AM 3.http://wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/BdizBdiz - Liquipedia Dota 2 WikiLast Checked 2015-01-27 5:00:19 PM 4.http://www.liquiddota....