dota_spectator_increasereplayspeed dota_spectator_mode 0 Toggles the spectator mode: 0 = Directed, 1 = Free Cam, 2 = Hero Chase, 3 = PlayerView dota_spectator_pausetoggle dota_spectator_resetreplayspeed dota_spectator_revertcameraview dota_spectator_rewind dota_spectator_select_under_mous...
- After downloading, extract it on a folder inside your Local Disc Already have the switcher but don't have the 1.24(.zip)? Already have the switcher but do not have the 1.24 (. Zip)? Download the 1.24(.zip) on the link below: Download the 1.24 (. Zip) on the link below: http...
It appears to be a nice progression at the moment but i'm sure the grind will kick in soon. Got's to make that dollar bill 'yo. Result: LoL is enough to make me try DOTA2. (5 hours downloading and a restart later) I fucking hate Steam sometimes...well most ...