Every 0.2s creates two 65 radius Burrowstrike spines at random locations. Each one stuns enemies and deals damage equal to the current level of Burrowstrike 天赋 Level 10 Talent Burrowstrike Stun Duration decreased from +0.5s to +0.4s 混沌骑士 混乱之箭 最短眩晕时间从1.25/1.5/1.75/2秒减少至...
MacBook Pro M1 freezing when streaming YouTube I'm experiencing random freezes of my 2021 MacBook Pro M1 16in running Monterey when I watch YouTube videos. I have no idea what the trigger may be as the videos can play fine for some length of time and then suddenly freeze -- or sometim...
1.1 Random发生了什么?说起Random,也就是以前的Wings,真是满满的伤感。我认为Wings是第一个了解到节奏多样性,又磨合地完美的队伍,TI6尽显霸气。然而如今走入了岔路,虽然表面上BP还是无法预测,但内部却已经丢失了神髓。Random明确知道每局要选的最佳节奏是什么,而且局局不同,但却选不到这个节奏下的最佳阵容,也打不...
Freeze at random moment in Nest of Thorns Description problem described in title. OS: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp) No response Screenshots No response
Dota 2 worked just fine before the patch, now it just freezes in the middle of normal games when stuff happens. Unplayable. mackiwww commented Nov 6, 2022 No update yes, no fix yet, I am getting random freeze every 3,7 and 9 minute mark. Even on demo it is freezing mackiwww ...
Every 0.2s creates two 65 radius Burrowstrike spines at random locations. Each one stuns enemies and deals damage equal to the current level of Burrowstrike 天赋 Level 10 Talent Burrowstrike Stun Duration decreased from +0.5s to +0.4s 混沌骑士 混乱之箭 最短眩晕时间从1.25/1.5/1.75/2秒减少至...
dota_bot_force_pick sv Force bots to pick one of these heroes before falling back to random selection (should be a comma-separated list with no spaces) dota_bot_force_pick_slot sv Force picks to be mapped to specific player ids. dota_bot_give_gold sv, cheat Gives all bots the spec...
Repicking a hero in all-random allows you to pick the hero instead of randoming itthe automatically spawned courier becomes unusable when picking the hero after the pickphase is over in -omGround spells cannot be cast on the hero portraitInvisible Heroes sometimes leave footprints on waterRight...
虽然这对于很多想睡觉的观众而言是一个好消息,但IG.V的状态实在是让人揪心。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 淘汰赛第二天和第一天一样是4个BO3,但除了第二场是Random与OG的中外对抗外,其余三场都是外战。希望Random能从首日比赛中汲取养分,争取同OG大魔王一较高下。
dota_heropicker_alldraft_random_time 11 Yes dota_heropicker_alldraft_select_time 36 Yes dota_heropicker_ap_select_time 75 Yes dota_heropicker_ar_select_time 10 Yes dota_heropicker_ardm_select_time 10 Yes dota_heropicker_fh_select_time 60 Yes dota_heropicker_intro_select_time 180...