1、启动项输入:-console(请放心这个是打开控制台的代码,刀塔2界面有专门设置打开控制台的快捷键,是给做地图和饰品地玩家开发的,就是常规操作。) 2、进入刀塔2后,任意观战或者试玩或是匹配,这里以斧王岛试玩为例。 3、按/,打开控制台。/ 是刀塔2默认的快捷键,如果自己改过快捷键,自己到刀塔2界面设置那里查看控制...
此模块只允许POST请求。 来源:MediaWiki 许可协议:GPL-2.0-or-later 创建一个新用户账户。 使用此模块的一般程序是: 通过amirequestsfor=create取得来自action=query&meta=authmanagerinfo的可用字段,和来自action=query&meta=tokens的createaccount令牌。 向用户显示字段,并获得其提交的内容。
通过设置没有限制解除保护一个页面。 api.php?action=protect&title=Main%20Page&token=123ABC&protections=&reason=Lifting%20restrictions [在沙盒中打开]取自“https://wiki.biligame.com/dota2/特殊:Api帮助”
从DOTA1向DOTA2过渡的三年,国内电竞产业环境也开始明显好转:以LGD为代表的多家DOTA2俱乐部陆续成立;以G联赛为代表的正规的具有影响力的赛事逐渐成型;以腾讯为代表的游戏厂商、广告主参与其中;电子竞技产业涌入了第一批从业者。 艾瑞咨询的行业报告将国内电竞这一时期称为“新兴爆发期”,2009年,中国电子竞技整体市场规...
Browse the Event Pages, like the new not-cavern-crawl or the shop options system will freeze after a couple minutes maxi created a subreddit post at first, will cross link it here https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/1c7vemn/entire_system_freezes_up_since_the_patch_on_arch/ and ...
Description After the new hero patch, SEA server frequently facing high server load error. As a Dota Plust subscriber, I am frustrated not able to view post-game analysis and can't avoid toxic player due to this issue. Another advice is ...
[Dota2 Wik..我们有一个好消息!经过几个月的讨论和探寻,我们最终找到了新的归宿,Liquipedia!我们和Liquipedia将会强强联合,Liquipedia继续贯彻他们的电子竞技的普,而我们就继续搞我们的科。
-2 = disabled. -1 = root bone. 0+ is bone index. cl_chat_active 0 cl_chatfilters 31 Stores the chat filter settings. cl_class 0 Default class when joining a game. cl_clearhinthistory Clear memory of client side hints displayed to the player. cl_clock_correction 1 Да ...
cc_vr_width cl, a 0 = narrow, 1 = med (default), 2 = wide changelevel changelevel :Multiplayer change level. chat_channel_debug cl Print members of a chat channel chat_join cl Join a chat channel chat_join_hltv cl Join an hltv chat channel chat_leave cl Leave a chat chann...
chat_clear Clears all chat history chat_dump_channels chat_join Join a chat channel chat_leave Leave a chat channel chat_say Send a message to the specified channel chat_sound false chat_wheel_phrase_0 76 chat_wheel_phrase_1 75 chat_wheel_phrase_2 63 chat_wheel_phrase_3 3...