Most Played HeroesAll Time more Hero Invoker 2 months ago Matches 640 Win % 46.09% KDA 4.01 Role Core Lane Mid Lane Pudge 2 months ago 357 55.46% 3.42 Core Mid Lane Windranger 3 months ago 230 48.26% 3.45 Core Mid Lane Kunkka 2024-02-16 192 52.60% 3.27 Co...
pos 3 only pos 3 onlyOverview 16 hours ago Last Match 2,271-2,101-41 Record 51.46% Win Rate 4,862 Esports profile Roles and LanesFrom Recently Analyzed Matches more 83% Core Off Lane 17% Most Played HeroesAll Time more Hero Outworld Destroyer...
《动漫DOTA:龙之血 第二季》简介: 在这款基于网络游戏的史诗奇幻游戏中,一位内心冲突的勇敢龙骑士必须利用体内的龙之力量来阻止可怕的恶魔。动画《DOTA:龙之血 第二季》是一部 2022 年剧情电影,由 So Young Park 执导,Ashley Miller 编剧,尤里·洛文塔尔、劳拉·
Match History and Livegames of High MMR Players and Pros like Arteezy, Miracle, Ame, TOPSON, Ana and Yatoro. Find out how to play Meta Heroes like Sand King, Windranger, Luna, Ringmaster, Shadow Fiend, Centaur Warrunner and more.
Ame really also pushes his heroes to his limits, executes spell usage/timing spells near perfectly. His only downside is that this playing at the edge can sometime backfire spectacularly, resulting in many meme moments.---IMO, he is the single handedly best carry in the game in the last ...
BSJ & Dota 2 Coaching FAQs What role does BSJ play and what are his top heroes? BSJ plays carry (pos 1) role and his top heroes are Luna, Phantom Lancer and Slark. Where does the name BSJ come from? BSJ stands for BananaSlamJamma. Brian’s basketball teammates in high school gave ...
Featured Heroes Kez Hero of the Flightless More Heroes DOTAFire & Defense of the Ancients Dota 2 is a multiplayer Action RTS game. It began as a user-made modification for Warcraft 3 and has grown into one of the most played online games in the world. DOTA 2 Heroes Abaddon Alchemist ...
» Heroes of Newerth +$366,523,339.24 » Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare +$366,984,976.03 » Defense of the Ancients +$368,668,263.05 Top Countries Country NamePrize Money 1. China $85,961,573.44 2. Russian Federation $39,447,996.56 3. Ukraine $22,955,604.65 4. Sweden $19,054...
Dirge saps away the strength of enemy heroes and retains it for a period of time.Deals double... Soul Rip Undying rips health away from all nearby units and uses it to heal an ally, or damage an enemy... Tombstone Unholy powers summon a cursed tombstone. Zombies will frequently spawn ne...
《动漫DOTA:龙之血 第一季》简介: 这部宏伟的奇幻剧以电子游戏 DOTA2 的宇宙为背景。主角是著名的龙骑士达维安,他致力于消灭世界各地的邪恶势力。在此过程中,他结识了历史悠久的强大古龙族,并结识了身负秘密使命、卷入远超他想象的更大事件的米拉娜公主。动画《DOTA