In Dota 2 "zoning" the offlaner is pretty much the same as denying him of farm so I feel this should count in LoL too.5. Casual gaming - LoL > Dota 2As a casual player, both games are similar in this respect as it lets you play with your friends and run strategies together or...
But hey, Swiftending just posted a post about supports after my rant: He did start off saying assuming equal skill. Of course one good support is better than 2 bad supports, I'd argue 2 decent supports are better than 1 good supp...
Sending S2C_CONNECTION to [addons:''] ClientPutInServer create new player controller [Elfansoer] [Server] Client 0 'Elfansoer' setting rate to 80000 [SignonState] Client 0 'Elfansoer' signon state SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED -> SIGNONSTATE_NEW [SteamNetSockets] AuthStatus (steamid...
Ame is an exceptional player who is no doubt among the greatest in esports history at countless subtleties. You might find "he was really good at a lot lol" to be unsatisfactory, but looking for an imaginary 'signature skill' to find an answer to be satisfactory tends to get you much ...
dota 2 became harsh for your idol he'll be back. in LoL huehuehuehuehue.dota2 对于你的偶像来说dota2就是一场灾难,他当然要回来,在lol项目上,呵呵呵呵呵…… b.bold: most accomplished player in the history, hope he will be back. again with this kabu no hope. ...
对于你的偶像来说dota2就是一场灾难,他当然要回来,在lol项目上,呵呵呵呵呵…… b.bold: most accomplished player in the history, hope he will be back. again with this kabu no hope. 有史以来成就最大的选手,我希望他可以回归——在这之前,先把kabu T了。
dota 2 became harsh for your idol he'll be back. in LoL huehuehuehuehue.dota2 对于你的偶像来说dota2就是一场灾难,他当然要回来,在lol项目上,呵呵呵呵呵…… b.bold: most accomplished player in the history, hope he will be back. again with this kabu no hope. ...
自定义游戏玩不了,正常匹配服务器也全是正在计算中 分享52 lolvsdota吧 毛驴笑了 V社因为放弃对DOTA2自定义游戏的支持,遭到了MOD作者的报复 他们用机器人秒塞满了自定义游戏大厅,充当腾讯拒绝员。 之前他们维护的BUG-TRACKER 也惨遭V社无视(反馈MOD BUG相关的项目):
() if GameRules:State_Get() == DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_HERO_SELECTION then for playerid = 0, (PlayerResource:GetTeamPlayerCount()) do local hPlayer = PlayerResource:GetPlayer( playerid ) if hPlayer then hPlayer:MakeRandomHeroSelection() end end end end 分享回复2 dota2吧 薛定谔的猫Ω 求助...