How can I improve my ranking? Play and win matches. Try to improve a little each match. It's better to lose a tough match than to have not played at all. Ranking Divisions Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Diamond Professional What's a Ranking Division? Ranking Divisions are a new type of me...
45.45% AliasesSTEAM_0:1:550262399 NameLast Used i lose my recurt ...10 hours ago радикхарламов5 days ago крутойскилет8 days ago ванякиллер20133 months ago кмспофиду3 months ago...
两支战队都经历过多次的人员变动, Alliance兜兜转转最终圆满,重回TI3夺冠阵容前他们尝试过与Mynuts和Niqua这样的职业选手合作,但是收效甚微。虽然今天他们历尽千辛不过这支TI3冠军之师,在新版本和新激情的推动下,相信他们能够重回巅峰。 相比之下IG就没有那么圆满了,上半年高开低走的IG在TI5后低落谷底,不仅队伍表现...
In my opinion, while the "comeback" aspect was a little bit too strong, it was definitely overrated and the recentStarladder XIIfinals have proved that a lead, while not allowing for a crushing snowball of power, is still a lead. Early game still mattered, but maybe not as much. Even ...
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自定义游戏是个与标准的Dota 2不同的游戏模式。大部分自定义游戏是由社区通过工作坊制作的。 列表 由V社制作的 这些自定义游戏是由V社制作的。 由社区制作的 只有值得关注的游戏才需要被加入这个列表,请阅读我们的指南来了解什么才算是值得关注。 Dota 2 Wiki非常缺少编辑员。请帮助我们在添加条目之后写出正确的...
Dotabod provides Dota 2 streamers with a suite of tools, including automatic Twitch predictions, minimap & hero blocker, OBS scene switcher, chat commands, MMR tracking, live stats, and more to elevate your streaming experience!
Description Dota Plus stats updates 1 time in a day. The first time in a day when I look at my statistics - it is updated. No matter how many games I play. Updated. But AFTER: All subsequent times, regardless of how much I played the gam...
Description After Confirming the game, I am unable to join game I joins but in the hero selection area I never see heros and it takes me back to the home screen with a time panalty. it happened First time after the update, I have i5 PC w...