The number is fluid and will increase or decrease as you win and lose ranked games. Once you reach the value for a particular rank, say Legend 2, your rank will change. You can view the MMR values for each rank in our table above. While the results of your ranked matches are the bi...
1. OpenAI员工团队:2500 MMR(46%),2. 从观看员工比赛观众中挑选的玩家:4000-6000 MMR(90%-99%)4. Valve员工队:2500-4000 MMR(46%-90%),5. 业余队:4200 MMR(93%),6. 半职业队:5500 MMR(第99百分位数)。注:上面的百分比是Rank分所在的玩家水准级别,并不是胜率。比赛自然没有一蹴而...
As always, these values are accurate as of now, but they will change in the course of the season, mostly like the threshold will be getting lower overtime.MedalMMRMedalMMRMedalMMRMedalMMRHerald 10Crusader 11680Legend 13360Herald 2120Crusader 21800Legend 23480Herald 3240Crusader 31920Legend 33600...
Game Screen Render Quality Determines how much the game screen is rendered. Minimum: 40%, Maximum: 100% Maximum frames per second allowed Sets the FPS limit. Extended values can be provided with the +fps_max launch option. Values out of range for the slider will disable the slider. Audio...
mmr就是你号内置的游戏天梯分,可能不等于你的游戏天梯分,但是很接近。看到你的mmr值最高的英雄,也就是招牌英雄。一般是使用次数多,胜率高,数据好... 分享回复赞 闲来没事玩游戏吧 黄秀芳_Nl6a DOTA2mmr是什么意思?在游戏中,MMR的意思就是匹配机制,全称:matchmaking ranking,其实在大多数pvp竞赛游戏中,都有着...
分享7812 dota2吧 pieeip 【】天梯最新段位 MMR匹配数值God here, I gathered some information from people who finished calibrating after the patch and made some calculations. Here's the first version of the table. As always, these values are accurate as of now, but they will change in the cou...
cl_ent_script_dump cl, cheat Dumps the names and values of this entity's script scope to the console Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} cl_ent_select cl, cheat Select or deselects the given entities(s) for...
1. OpenAI员工团队:2500 MMR(46%), 2. 从观看员工比赛观众中挑选的玩家:4000-6000 MMR(90%-99%) 4. Valve员工队:2500-4000 MMR(46%-90%), 5. 业余队:4200 MMR(93%), 6. 半职业队:5500 MMR(第99百分位数)。 注:上面的百分比是Rank分所在的玩家水准级别,并不是胜率。
1. OpenAI员工团队:2500 MMR(46%), 2. 从观看员工比赛观众中挑选的玩家:4000-6000 MMR(90%-99%) 4. Valve员工队:2500-4000 MMR(46%-90%), 5. 业余队:4200 MMR(93%), 6. 半职业队:5500 MMR(第99百分位数)。 注:上面的百分比是Rank分所在的玩家水准,并不是胜率。
我在我的800 MMR上玩Dota(不多,我是垃圾),作为礼物,我收到了有毒的煤=(我不沾沾自喜,用我的MMR玩。我想知道为什么是有毒的煤,因为我想要kunkka的耐克鞋。)。 #1 FraCeko关闭ValveSoftware/Dota2游戏:问题#14239 #14240 Aghanim碎片不适用于AXE。===Aghanim碎片不适用于AXE。 / Aghanim shard does not ...