BEST META HEROES at EVERY MMR - Dota 2 7.36c Guide 视频标题为《BEST META HEROES at EVERY MMR - Dota 2 7.36c Guide》,由GameLeap Dota 2 Pro Guides制作。视频中,Speed讨论了不同MMR(匹配分数)下的最佳元英雄及其胜率。他提到了Dota Buff网站上的...
Core and Support MMR: Dota 2 differentiates between Core and Support MMR. This reflects a player’s proficiency in these two broad roles. Your performance in matches where you play core roles (carry, mid-lane) affects your Core MMR, while support roles (off-lane, soft support, hard support...
1. Understanding the Dota 2 MMR 2. How to see your MMR 3. The New Single Rank with Role Perfomance 4. Dota 2 Calibration Guide 5. Mastering Runes 6. How can I sell Dota 2 Items and Skins? 7. Sell & Buy Accounts (Worth or not?) 8. Acc Boosting – does it work? 9. Improving...
So, there’s a lot of talk about Dota 2’s MMR recalibration system, and many folks believe that no matter what your rank is, recalibrating will always result in a lower MMR. Well, let’s bust that myth right now because it’s not entirely true. When you hit that recalibration button...
Safe Lane Core 45:58 China Dire ~ 5500 MMR 17Kills 5Deaths 21Assists 7.60KDA Ratio 83%Team Kill % 877GPM 1087XPM 120APM 2Runes 51/128/243LH @ 10/20/30 Starting Items 00:10 03:35 05:03 07:17 08:44 11:18 13:07 15:37 16:40 20:27 23:15 24:39 26:20 28:35 31:08 33:...
When you first load into aDota 2match, the first order of business will be picking yourself a hero, the designation for the game’s characters. Though it may look simple at first, picking the hero that suits your style the most can be a difficult task by itself due toDota 2’s coloss...
Crusader (1,540 – 2,156 MMR) Archon (2,310 – 2,926 MMR) Legend (3,080 – 3,696 MMR) Ancient (3,850 – 4,466 MMR) Divine (4,620 – 5,420 MMR) Immortal (5420+ MMR) Herald (0-600 MMR) When it comes to skill distribution among ranks, herald marks the bottom of the sea...
Over 500 fans have voted on the 40+ items on Best Dota 2 YouTubers. Current Top 3: PurgeGamers, Dota Watafak, Dota Guide
《Dota 2》包含“匹配系统”,由匹配分数(matchmaking rating,简称MMR,一般称为天梯分数)来评估玩家的水平,胜利或失败都会增加或者减少相应的分数。[49]游戏服务器被称作“Game Coordinator”,[50]会依据玩家的天梯分数来匹配双方队伍,使得每场比赛的实力对比都维持在五五开左右。[49]MMR系统分为排名模式和非排名模式,...
Trending Guide4 days ago more VONwon a Radiant Comeback Off Lane Core 46:18 Russia Radiant ~ 5000 MMR 13K 4D 27A 10.00KDA Ratio 78%Team Kill % 707GPM 1202XPM 335APM 8Runes 43/159/275LH @ 10/20/30 09:38 18:29 24:12 32:13 ...