Particle Editor: Fix to window layout changes not persisting after closing and opening Pet. Particle Editor: Added toggle for viewing system information. Particle Editor: Fix to hero not getting equipped with his set gear when preview model is chosen or an item set is changed. ...
dota_hud_flip 0 Hud layout with minimap on the right. dota_hud_healthbar_hoveroutline_alpha 200 Mouse hover outline brightness on healthbars. dota_hud_healthbar_number 1 If set, your own hero's health number will be shown on the floating health bar over his head. dota_hud_healthbar...
Fixed bug where there were spots along the edge of the map where camera grip did not work Fixed a case where alt-tab would return to a blank screen Fixed various layout bugs with active friend lobbies Fixed some unselectable units like Stone Remnants being selectable with certain options Fixed...
Control Layout Customization:Other Rebound many keys. Significant Bugs: All walk animations are broken. Item shop and inventory/backpack interactions are broken, often taking multiple clicks but eventually working. ► Multiplayer Overall (online):Excellent Proton 9.0-2 Distro:SteamOS Holo Kernel:5.13....
同时按下Windows键和R键,输入gpedit.msc后确定,打开组策略 依次选择 用户配置---管理模板---Windows组件 在展开的菜单中找到“文件资源管理器”菜单项并选中。在窗口的右侧找到“关闭Windows键热键”并双击打开。在打开的窗口中选择已启用,然后点击确定即可。
[Client] Game: "Dota 2" [Client] Map: "start" [Client] Players: 5 (1 bots) / 64 humans [Client] Build: 10072 (revision 8924781) [Client] Server Number: 3 [SignonState] CL: CNetworkGameClient::ProcessServerInfo C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_INIT' [Client] Loading...
"AbilityLayout" "4""Ability1" "" // Ability 1.//"Ability2" ... up to "Ability16"The unit can hold up to 16 abilities at any time being. "AbilityLayout" is used for the built-in Flash UI to change how many abilities it can display, and currently its limited to 4, 5 and 6 ...
VK_EXT_robustness2 v1 VK_EXT_sample_locations v1 VK_EXT_scalar_block_layout v1 VK_EXT_separate_stencil_usage v1 VK_EXT_shader_demote_to_helper_invocation v1 VK_EXT_shader_stencil_export v1 VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_ballot v1 VK_EXT_shader_subgroup_vote v1 VK_EXT_shader_viewport_index_...
本项目是基于SpringMVC+Spring+Mybatis+SpringBoot开发的一款Dota2资料库智能管理平台,数据库采用了MySQL,前端采用了ExtJs+jQuery技术。 关键词:管理平台;Spring MVC;SpringBoot;ExtJs Design andImplementationofDota2 Database Intelligent Management Platform
dota_export_steam_inventory_layout cl Save the inventory layout to the Steam servers. dota_export_steam_inventory_layout_flow cl Save the inventory layout to the Steam servers. dota_externalwebapi_debug_leagueid cl Set this to test the external web API as if the game were a specific leagu...