Item drop system (Drop List) Crafting (Crafting List) Deleting (Recycling) Gems Presents Trophies Battle Pass Fantasy Dota Music Events Matchmaking Game modes (Custom Games) Medals (MMR) Priority Stats Lobby Training New Player Objectives Coaching Bots All-Hero Challenge Weekend Battle Cup User Inter...
1 = HUD portrait, 2 = Full body hero picker, 3 = item icon editor , 4 = hero select. dota_portrait_debug_mode_sensitivity 0 Да dota_portrait_debug_no_modifier 0 Да dota_portrait_debug_preview_letterbox 16 Да dota_portrait_export_icon dota_portrait_export_icon_data dota...
Panorama: Added new UI example implementing some inventory functionality in Panorama, and demonstrating drag and drop Panorama: New panel type: DOTAItemImage Panorama: Added Panel2D.SetDraggable() and IsDraggable() Panorama: DOTAAbilityImage panel supports the ability itself as context entity ...
Drop list now includes full sets, treasures, bundles and Arcanas at a rare rate instead of frequently dropping common items 现在饰品掉落只取决于你的游戏总时间,与你的等级无关。(之前是升级必掉,现在升级不掉,但游戏总时间达到某个水平必掉。) 掉落列表现在包括套装,珍藏,捆绑包和至宝,但是是at a ...
Item drops get launched from the killed unit. Mac/Linux Mac/Linux: Made various framerate and bug fixes. Mac/Linux: Added a fullscreen mode that allows better interactions between the game and the desktop. Mac: Improved performance on OSX systems with nVidia GPUs. ...
【无责任转帖】Dot..Severe (the exploits listed in this section are hidden)Pause exploit['12.08.03] Item icons get stuck
cl_dota_dump_econ_item_stringtable cl cl_dota_dump_econ_item_stringtable cl_dota_dump_modifier_stringtable cl cl_dota_dump_modifier_stringtable cl_dota_gridnav_show cl, cheat cl_dota_gridnav_show_size cl, cheat Control the size of the gridnav display. 1 = small, 2 = medium, 3...
- Item drops are now entirely time based instead of level based. Drop list now includes full sets, treasures, bundles and Arcanas at a rare rate instead of frequently dropping common items - Battle boosters have been removed from the game entirely (we actually removed them from the store in...
官方开源代码建议调节drop path rate参数,时间多的可以尝试调一下 单卡显存小于10G的使用SwinT-Base/Small就可以了,根据我自己在DOTA上的实验经验来看,模型本身性能是有上限的,在不更改模型结构的前提下单纯增加参数量无法突破这个上限,TTA完全可以让一个小参数量的模型的性能接近大参数量模型。例如DOTA BenchMark中的...