《DOTA2》的国服翻译,高逼格的台词,你觉得哪一句你最喜欢?小编我最喜欢的是那句“与其感慨路难行,不如马上出发”,听起来就很逼格的样子。幻影长矛手Another is always ready.杀了孙行者,还有者行孙。拉比克I am no thief. I merely borrow读书人的事情,怎能算偷,这是借克林克兹Better to run than curse ...
Is Dota 2 better than LoL? ⤵ There is no better, they are two games of the same genre but with two different approaches: Dota2 is much more difficult and punitive than League of Legends while the latter is much easier and accessible even to the most casual players. ...
bitch , please get out from this place who says LoL better than Dota.actually im not suprised so much because ur russian Kappa. 婊子,请你从这里滚出去,你居然说lol优于dota。当然,我也不是很奇怪,因为你是个傻逼老毛子。 ——ihaveaname: LoL probably is tougher, just because there's a bigger...
搬运外网帖~ AST..Boboka is LFT!!!Pic 1: boboka’s Weibo LFT play pod 4.5.3 better not 3 Pic2 3: xxs saids that boboka
He better retires and plays LOL. 他最好退役然后去玩lol。 ——babeh: so are all the pinoy teams and pinoy made legends :) 这句话同样适用于所有其他的战队和所谓的传奇人物。 Vizvezdenec: Sorry, but if he is useless even in dota 2, he will never ever be even in semipro scene in LoL...
Dota 2 is better, and I have played them both casually and competitively achieving challenger for two/three years in LoL and competiting in WESG APAC regionals for Dota 2 so maybe my word will be a lot more influential than others (those who only played one, I'm looking at you).1...
However, between the difficult mechanics and the harassment of better players, many newbies leave the game pretty quickly and are disappointed. Plus, it does not look like Valve promotes their game to fresher blood. The marketing strategy is near non-existent. Dota 2 has around 11 million ...
▶️ You're better off dead. ▶️ 你还是死一边去吧。 ▶️ A bolt from the blue. ▶️ 晴天霹箭。 ▶️ This is why I get outta bed in the morning. ▶️ 这就是我早起的原因。 1%几率 ▶️ r Damn. ▶️ r 我靠。 中止一箭穿心 施法时 ▶️ Early rele...
What we pursuit is the most balanced and the most fair game. Dota2 did better in these part than LOL, let alone the picture quality. In the end, we would reconsider LOL if Dota2 wasn't eye-catching enough as we known. WCE! Here we go! 来自Android客户端2楼2014-08-04 14:37 回复...
it's because LOL players are bunch of cocky A-holes who all think their game is better than ...