Favorite & Disliked Heroes Selection Editable Data Infinite AutoPicker Energy As low as 1$ / month AUTOPICKER automated hero entry Player Analyses Player Stats - game history performance Charts with GPM, XPM, WinRate, KDA and more, plotted by hero type (core, support) and data grouping: patch...
OverviewMatchesHeroesPeersProsRecordsTotalsCountsHistogramsTrendsWardmapWordcloudMMRRankingsActivity Hero Side Result Lane Patch Game Mode Lobby Type Date Region Allied Heroes Opposing Heroes Included Account ID Excluded Account ID Insignificant At Least This Many Matches Party Size Hid...
【Miracle·兽王·6-5-21】Miracle 7.25 IMBA — HIGHEST WINRATE offlane hero 313 8 11:59 App 【Miracle·敌法·14-4-7】Miracle picked SIGNATURE HERO to COUNTER his SIGNATURE HERO 487 2 12:38 App 【Miracle vs Gh】GH-GOD Unexpected MID pick vs MIRACLE — Heavy Magic Burst友情...
My last 6 months winrate: Radiant: 61% winrate (159 game... 9 Gazz ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 2017-04-27 Beks 2017-04-28 Tell me , your junglers in your team with fucking heroes that not supposed to jungle that makes you tilt. Just climbed back to 4K : I GOT JUNGLE NECRO DAGON ROFL ...
Refresh Turbo 538 OverviewMatchesHeroesPeersProsRecordsTotalsCountsHistogramsTrendsWardmapWordcloudMMRRankingsActivity THIS PROFILE IS PRIVATE If this is you, sign in to view your own statistics. Or, enable Expose Public Match Data in the Dota client to make your profile public.Sign in with Steam<...
no++;stringCurEnName =Ch2En[hero];stringCurChName =hero;stringUrl ="http://www.dotamax.com/hero/detail/match_up_anti/"+ CurEnName +"/";//得到指定Url的源码html =GetWebContent(Url);stringAntiName, AntiValue, WinRate, UsedTime;stringkey;intindex =0;;do{ ...
Match History and Livegames of High MMR Players and Pros like Arteezy, Miracle, Ame, TOPSON, Ana and Yatoro. Find out how to play Meta Heroes like Sand King, Windranger, Luna, Ringmaster, Shadow Fiend, Centaur Warrunner and more.
Wins 2330 Losses 2320 Winrate50.11% Refresh TurboOverviewMatchesHeroesPeersProsRecordsTotalsCountsHistogramsTrendsWardmapWordcloudMMRRankingsActivity Hero Side Result Lane Patch Game Mode Lobby Type Date Region Allied Heroes Opposing Heroes Included Account ID Excluded Account ID ...
SANKE Wins 0 Losses 0 WinrateN/A Refresh 3943 THIS PROFILE IS PRIVATE If this is you, sign in to view your own statistics. Or, enable Expose Public Match Data in the Dota client to make your profile public. Sign in with Steam
The First Trends: Biggest Winners We had several days to get more acquainted with the patch and gather some stats and we are eager to share our findings with you. The shake up was massive and there are a lot of unbalanced heroes, and they are the ones we want to talk about today....