禁止交换英雄,在交换成功后会自动输入卡尔技能命令:-invokelist显示卡尔技能生成表音乐命令:-music XXX,XXX 是以下选项中的一个:off, random, nightelf1, nightelf2, nightelf3, human1, human2, human3, orc1, orc2, orc3, undead1, undead2, undead3, other1, other2, other3, other4, other57,单...
卡尔技能命令:-invokelist显示卡尔技能生成表音乐命令:-music XXX,XXX 是以下选项中的一个:off, random, nightelf1, nightelf2, nightelf3, human1, human2, human3, orc1, orc2, orc3, undead1, undead2, undead3, other1, other2, other3, other4, other57,单人游戏命令只能用于单机游戏中,或者测...
Fixed a bug where heroes would sometimes spawn in the middle of the map and be uncontrollable Fixed a courier delivery bug where the courier would stop responding to delivery commands Fixed a bug causing the most popular custom games list to not update correctly ...
cl_ent_text_sticky_dump cl, cheat Spews the list of names to display text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity (See Overlay Text) Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / {entity_index} / {no argument = pick what player is looking at} cl_ent_t...
If you are unsure which Dota 2 heroes you get in patch 7.35c, here are some of the big names you should keep an eye on. Dota 2 Patch 7.35c Overview February 21, 2024|Tags:Dota 2| AuthorZlosterr The Dota 2 patch 7.35c is here, and there is a lot to talk about. We will go ...
迷你模式: -miniheroes/-mi 英雄模型大小为原来的1/2 快速复活模式: -fastrespawn/-fr英雄死亡等待时间为原有的1/2 仅近战模式: -meleeonly/-mo 只可选择近战英雄 仅远程模式: -rangeonly/-ro 只可选择近战英雄 实验神符模式: -experimentalrunes/-er 实验性的神符模式,这个版本是每3分钟刷符 玩家游戏辅助...
They'll be displayed with Hero names. "all_heroes" - Choices will be automatically filled out for you with a list of all Hero names. "all_items" - Choices will be automatically filled out for you with a list of all Item names. "counter" - Set by the Dota 2 Backend, not selected ...
迷你模式: -miniheroes/-mi 英雄模型大小为原来的1/2 快速复活模式: -fastrespawn/-fr英雄死亡等待时间为原有的1/2 仅近战模式: -meleeonly/-mo 只可选择近战英雄 仅远程模式: -rangeonly/-ro 只可选择近战英雄 实验神符模式: -experimentalrunes/-er 实验性的神符模式,这个版本是每3分钟刷符 玩家游戏辅助...
Bot adding reply comments with links to appropriate responses found on /r/dota2. The bot replies only for the comments that are responses. For example: "Selemene commands" will return a Luna response (like on the screenshot above). The original bot account is no longer active, but over 4...
隐藏英雄名字命令: -hhn/-hideheronames 当某玩家聊天时,隐藏该玩家英雄的类型名称禁止连续杀英雄时的配音: -mute 不发出double kill之类的声音随机选择英雄: -random 随机选择一个英雄,不消耗金钱。重新选择英雄: -repick 花费一定钱,让你放弃已选择的英雄而重新选。只能使用一次,一般消耗150金钱,但在-ar和-tr...