Dota 2 Wiki is short on editors. Please help us in any way you can. Create pages for new patches and new cosmetic items. Improve the tips section of most heroes. Update the Unreleased Content page regularly after each patch. Related Wikis Languages Community content is available under CC...
Dota 2 Wiki Sign In Explore Fan Central Current Top Pages this Week Items 1 Heroes 2 Revenant's Brooch 3 Invoker 4 Neutral Items 5 Pangolier Phoenix Sand King Snapfire Techies Timbersaw Vengeful Spirit Venomancer Visage Void Spirit Windranger ...
Heroes are all unique characters within Dota 2. At the start of each game, players are split into two teams of 5, then select a Hero from the Hero Pool. Every player controls his own Hero and any units that Hero controls, such as summoned units likeEidolons. Heroes will gain experience...
[17]2015年,《Dota 2》移植至“起源2”引擎后,社区原创游戏mod数量大增,其中较流行的mod由Valve公司提供服务器支持。[18]2016年,Valve公司在自定义游戏模式中引入“Custom Game Pass”,允许内容创作者为他们制作的mod添加材质、内容和其他改动。[19] 发展...
The game settings allow the player to customize many aspects of the game. The settings are divided into three main categories. Hotkeys, gameplay options and graphics/sound options. The hotkeys settings are further categorized down into gameplay and spect
Main Article:Gold Gold is granted periodically, but is largely accumulated by killing hostile units, such as creeps, towers, or enemy Heroes. Depending on what unit you kill, gold may be rewarded solely to the killer (such as creep bounty), or distributed to the killer's team (such as ...
Unofficial Dota 2 wiki Availability•Link SourceDRMNotesKeysOS Steam Global version. Publisher website China version. All versions requireSteamValve Anti-Cheat and File Integrity CheckDRM[2]. China version requires aPerfect Worldaccount and aconstant internet connectionfor all game modes. ...
刃甲 is a very unorthodox early-game item to build on Nature's Prophet, as he does not have the health to efficiently utilize any reflected damage. However, it can be a powerful offensive item, as it provides a large amount of attack damage and intelligence, tremendously increasing the power...
2018年2月22日 修复了悬停在一个敌方技能按钮上可能会显示一个距离指示器判断是否升级该技能的bug 查看 技能类型列表 施法距离 施法动作 折叠 查•论•编 游戏机制 主要 数据 护甲 属性(力量/敏捷/智力) 生命值&魔法值(生命恢复&魔法恢复) 魔法抗性 ...