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reddit帖子就在那放着,自己去翻译,没人拦着你。 恭喜2024年度野狗游戏大奖主办方:TGA。 TOP1:后台挖掘到的吸血鬼新英雄 * 楼主备注:这个应该是很早就实装了,只是刚挖出来。 dota2每个英雄都有一个自己的heroId, 从7.00开始的新英雄依次为: 114齐天大圣、119邪影芳灵、120石鳞剑士、121天涯墨客、123森海飞霞、1...
我们怀着对DOTA2的深厚感情,以及对Valve始终致力于打造电子竞技经典品牌的深刻认同,写下这一封信,并且在新浪微博和Reddit论坛DOTA2专区征集玩家签名,希望Gabe Newell先生、Valve、以及IceFrog能够听到我们的心声。 想必你们也听说了过去几个月发生在中国DOTA界的一系列争议性事件,TI6冠军队伍WINGS走向了解散,另一支久负盛...
Navigation in:Cosmetic Items,Tradeable cosmetic items,Marketable cosmetic items, and2 more Based on Warlock Custom Wards Hellgazer Sign in to edit Categories Categories: Cosmetic Items Tradeable cosmetic items Marketable cosmetic items Based on Warlock ...
The majority in the Dota 2 community is male with 93.5%. (Source: Reddit) The largest age group in 2021 is 22-25 (23.8%) followed by the 26-30 with 31.2%. The game has a pretty mature fandom, with adults making up the most significant part of the player base. However, it is cle...
DOTA 2 Twitter -twitter.com/DOTA2 Reddit Community FAQ Is Dota 2 dying? ⤵ DoTA 2 is losing many users , like the whole MoBA genre. In short, the thrust of battle royale, much more fashionable these days, is making itself felt. Is that why Valve has announced that it will actively...
大意就是2000哥被踢和他没什么太大关系,是EG现有阵容沟通的结果,当然reddit和贴吧一样处于对rtz的一贯认知认为这次转会是一个双输的局面,所有的人都认为rtz多么多么糟kuro多么多么好,事实上他和puppy已经讨论过这件事了,他虽然不一定愿意搅进他和kuro的肥皂剧里但是他认为puppy和他在这件事上市一致的 ...
Dagon 5 spell damage: 800 Incoming Spell Damage Manipulation: Magic Weakness: 2 Incoming Generic Damage Manipulation: Dispersion: -0.2 Outgoing Spell Damage Manipulation: Bloodrage: 0.3, Kaya and Sange: 0.12, Mage Slayer: -0.25Spectre affected by will take 2620.8 spell damage (before magic resistan...