TNC’s current DPC points. The player restriction does not affect future tournaments. 选手和战队在将来总会犯错误,他们也得承担相应的代价。我们希望这次错误成为他们学习的机会,但承认错误并不代表说犯错就不必付出代价。把错误一笔带过并不有助于解决问题,tnc需要为他们的糟糕决策负责任。由于kuku被要求更换,我...
Any team that competes in a Major tournament with a sub will incur a 40% penalty per sub up to 2 subs (80% penalty) on DPC Points earned from that tournament. If more than 2 subs are required for a team, that team will be considered forfeited.A team that plays 5 or more Regional...
主动使用技能需要耗费英雄的“魔法值(mana points)”,魔法值会自动缓慢回复。[2][5]技能在使用后将进入一段“冷却(cooldown,通常简称为cd)”时间,在这段时间里该技能不能被再次使用。每个英雄都有三种属性:力量、智力和敏捷,分别影响生命值、魔法值和攻击速度。其中有一项将作为英雄的基础属性并影响其基础攻击...
TNC’s current DPC points. The player restriction does not affect future tournaments. 选手和战队在将来总会犯错误,他们也得承担相应的代价。我们希望这次错误成为他们学习的机会,但承认错误并不代表说犯错就不必付出代价。把错误一笔带过并不有助于解决问题,tnc需要为他们的糟糕决策负责任。由于kuku被要求更换,我...
The Chongqing Major — presented by Starladder in cooperation with ImbaTV will be the second Major of the Dota Pro Circuit 2018-19 season — $1 Million USD — 15,000 DPC Points — January 19-27, 2019 live from Chongqing, China. O网页链接 #ChongqingMajor# #DPC# #Dota2# ...
EGamersWorld☕ - ✋Changes in DPC rating after the end of StarLadder ImbaTV Dota 2 Minor ➦ Dota 2 recent news ➦ Reviews & analytics from experts of eSports ➦ Operational information about tournaments and matches
参加DPC的队伍通过在各自的地区联赛中的比赛以及通过在大满贯赛中的国际比赛来获得积分。由于第一届Major不再举行,我们决定将其积分重新分配给第二届和第三届Major。这样,地区和跨地区比赛之间的积分平衡就保持不变了。分数将按以下方式分配。 Major 2:
19. DOTA2中的英雄出装非常灵活多变,当你不知道出什么装备的时候,有一件装备永远不会出错,这件装备是() a.圣剑 b.辉耀 c.飞鞋 d.羊刀 20 . 已知食人魔法师多重施法的概率为:二重75%,三重0/30/30,四重0/0/15,假如丝血15级(技能点全部学了技能和天赋)蓝胖被敌方三个人追杀,身上的吹风,跳刀,tp刚好...
The 9-day long tournament ended in an exciting grand final whereIGmade an impressive comeback from 2-0 down to make it 3-2 and walk away with the2021 One Esports Singapore Majortrophy along with$200,000in prize money and 500Dota Pro Circuit(DPC) points. ...
Cheer on your favorite teams around the world as they fight to score crucial DPC points and coveted spots at three Major tournaments that await on the road to The International. Teams that excel in the Winter Tour will advance to the Lima Major, hosted by 4D Esports. ...