-disablecreepspawn停止出兵-enablecreepspawn重新开始出兵-allvision全图模式-normalvision关闭全图-clearwards清除假眼(不清除真眼)在控制台里输入:dota_dev hero_refresh-gold <amount>比如: -gold 1000增加英雄金钱,最多为16383.控制台命令: dota_dev player_givegold <amount>-startgame直接出兵控制台命令: dota_...
BlendBonesMode 2 blink_duration 0 How many seconds an eye blink will last. bot_mimic 0 Bot uses usercmd of player by index. box Draw a debug box. -break +break breakable_disable_gib_limit 0 breakable_multiplayer 1 broadcaster_openmenu buddha Toggle. Player takes damage but wo...
dota_player_units_auto_attack_mode 2 1 dota_settings_quick_target_attack true false dota_player_auto_repeat_right_mouse true false dota_force_right_click_attack 1 0 dota_player_add_summoned_to_selection true false cl_updaterate 30 20 cl_interp_ratio 1 2 dota_turbo_matches_played 2 0 Cons...
Fixed non-maxed-out abilities not transferring after using Equip New item in Hero Demo mode Fixed bad camera view bounds being displayed in the minimap when using the showcase camera Mac/Linux: Fixed a bug where the minimap would go invisible after changing resolution ...
September 2, 2015 Fixed crash bug when refreshing ping times Fixed bug incorrectly blocking high MMR players from playing ranked in Reborn Fixed a bug in custom games where teams with no human players did not update visibility. Renamed dota_disable_range_finder to dota_enable_range_finder and...
Disable Status Text N/A Disables the status display which appears over unit health bars when they are disabled. Hide Damage Numbers N/A Hides the small red and white damage numbers which appear upon the player dealing or taking damage. Does not affect the numbers upon taking high damage and...
ai_expression_optimization 0 Disable npc background expressions when you can't see them. ai_force_serverside_ragdoll 0 ai_LOS_mode 0 ai_sequence_debug 0 ai_shot_bias_max 1 ai_shot_bias_min -1 ai_show_hull_attacks 0 ai_test_los Test AI LOS from the player's POV ai_use...
dota2 bot ..February 13 Bot UpdateAdded GetLinearProjectiles() global function. Returns a table of all visible l
Sending S2C_CONNECTION to [addons:''] ClientPutInServer create new player controller [Elfansoer] [Server] Client 0 'Elfansoer' setting rate to 80000 [SignonState] Client 0 'Elfansoer' signon state SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED -> SIGNONSTATE_NEW [SteamNetSockets] AuthStatus (steamid...