6.82前的魔法免疫 Magic Immunity:无法被[无视魔免-否]的技能视作目标并免疫相应的一切类型的伤害。无法阻止无视魔免的魔法伤害(旧称神圣伤害)。 6.82后的技能免疫 Spell Immunity:无法被[无视技免-否]的技能视作目标。技能免疫将免疫机制与伤害抗性分离,只判断技能是否生效,不判断技能伤害类型,本身不降低伤害,而...
Void Stance Slow Duration: 2 0 0 Debuff Immunity Notes: The slow debuff does not pierce debuff immunity. Illusion Notes: Illusions do not copy the current stance on creation, and are always on Earth stance. Cast Event Notes: Does not proc on-cast effects despite being a toggle-able ability...
Level 25 Talent Spell Immunity from Press the Attack replaced with Debuff Immunity with 50% Magic Resistance 冥界亚龙 蝮蛇突袭 施法距离从500提升至700/800/900 冥魂大帝 冥火爆击 眩晕时间从1.1/1.4/1.7/2秒减少至1/1.2/1.4/1.6秒 吸血灵魂 吸血从9/16/23/30%提升至20/30/40/50%(对非英雄单位减半...
如图,露娜使用风杖驱散了部分debuff,然而有些debuff和自身的buff并没有被驱散。在DOTA2中,有三种不同等级的驱散:基础驱散(basic dispel),强驱散(strong dispel)和死亡(death)。基础驱散能够移除大部分如改变攻击力、改变速度、减速、沉默的状态效果。然而,它们不能移除大部分硬控,如眩晕和强制移动(...
Debuff Immunity Notes: Pierces debuff immunity on the primary target. Does not pierce debuff immunity on secondary targets.Spell Block / Reflection Notes: Blocked fully only when primary target. Modifiers [?] winter_wyvern_winters_curse_kill_credit Undispellable modifier_winter_wyvern_winters_curse...
劣势路区域后方新增2个痛苦魔方。他们从20:00开始出现 痛苦魔方拥有1点生命,20点护甲,55%魔法抗性和100点/秒恢复速度的2500点伤害护盾。击杀金钱:250金 痛苦魔方不会攻击或移动,但是会反弹受到的70%伤害,平摊给1200范围内所有英雄。所有反弹伤害的类型都是魔法。对幻象造成200%伤害 ...
STRIKE INTERVAL:2 STRIKE DAMAGE:25/55/85/115 CAST POINT0.05s 1512 ABILITY:Unit Target AFFECTS:Enemy Hero DAMAGE TYPE:Magical PIERCES DEBUFF IMMUNITY:No DISPELLABLE:No Teleports the target hero back to where it was4/4/4/4seconds ago. Instantly kills illusions. Deals damage equal to a percen...
Level 25 Talent Spell Immunity from Press the Attack replaced with Debuff Immunity with 50% Magic Resistance冥界亚龙蝮蛇突袭施法距离从500提升至700/800/900冥魂大帝冥火爆击眩晕时间从1.1/1.4/1.7/2秒减少至1/1.2/1.4/1.6秒吸血灵魂吸血从9/16/23/30%提升至20/30/40/50%(对非英雄单位减半)骷髅兵现在...
Deafening Blast disarm debuff not removed by magic immunityEnvenomed weapons-based skills don't deal dmg to magic immune targets (most poison spells (viper, venomancer, etc), see thread for list of spells)Earth Spirit's (brewmaster) pulverize doesn't damage magic immune targetsEnvenomed weapons...