进入游戏后第一时间在控制台输入sv_cheats 1 在聊天框输入的命令 以下列表中代码样式文字均可以通过点击进行复制。 -gold XX:获得金钱。 -gold 1000:获得1000金钱。 -gold 99999:金钱最大化。 -lvlup XX:自身等级升级。 -lvlup 6:自身升6级。 -lvlmax:自身升到满级,技能自动学满。 -levelbots XX:所有机...
Dota2常用测试(作弊)指令大全 前排提示 要想获得完全的测试体验: 创建房间时,服务器选择“本地主机”,或使用斧王岛(不推荐) 勾选“允许作弊” 进入游戏后第一时间在控制台输入sv_cheats 1 本文中所有用[]包含的指令或代码均是需替换的1. 在聊天框输入的命令...
sv_cheats ? :问号处填入数字,默认0。设置为1后,可以开启作弊模式(需要将本地主机设置为服务器,否则无法正常生效) 下文中需要开启作弊模式才能生效的命令必须在本地房间控制台中先输入sv_cheats 1,然后输入命令才能生效。 需要开启作弊模式才能生效的命令 dota_all_vision :获得敌方阵营的所有视野 dota_bot_give...
Whether you're new to the MOBA or not, learn all about the Dota 2 cheats and console commands that can help you practice and step up your game
dota_disable_showcase_view_button 0 Disable the Showcase View button unless sv_cheats is enabled. dota_disable_top_lane 0 dota_disable_unit_ring 0 dota_dump_all_player_stats dota_dump_bot_state dota_dump_buff_message_count dota_dump_creep_stats Displays stats on creep denies/last...
Fixed an additional case where cheats could be enabled in public Custom Game lobbies Added a -vconsole command line parameter that determines whether the game connects to VConsole Fixed a tools mode crash on Windows N machines Fixed various bugs around the "Friends ready to play" feature Updated...
Casting Console (List of commands) Cheats Modding Dota 2 Reborn Other Dota Plus (Challenges· Shards· Relics) Leaderboards Qualifying Points Dota 2 Store System requirementsCategories Languages Community content is available under CC BY-NC-SA unless otherwise noted. More Fandoms Fantasy Popular...
Fixed an additional case where cheats could be enabled in public Custom Game lobbies Added a -vconsole command line parameter that determines whether the game connects to VConsole Fixed a tools mode crash on Windows N machines Fixed various bugs around the "Friends ready to play" feature ...
This is a list of console commands in Dota 2, based-on Dota 2 GC version 1366 (4338 total convars/concommands). Note: Commands with "Yes" in "Cheat?" column require sv_cheats 1 to be active before working. 目录 1 List 1.1 @ 1.2 _ 1.3 A 1.4 B 1.5 C 1.6 D 1.7 E 1.8 F ...
- The cheat dota_range_display now works in sv_cheats 1 games hosted locally.- Fixed some styling issues with the hero grid not working properly in custom games with fewer than the full set of heroes.- Fixed a number of ability tooltips.- Fixed some interactions between the bots and ...