Arteezy - Void Spirit Safelane | with Fly | vs Fear + BuLba | Dota 2 Pro MMR Gam 58 -- 49:47 App MidOne - Dark Seer Offlane | with Topson (Spirit Void) | vs Saksa (Rubick) | Dot 12 -- 34:45 App Fly - Oracle Safelane | SUPPORT | Dota 2 Pro MMR Gameplay #6 889 1 45...
【职业选手的日常·Ep151】When PRO PLAYERS enter BEAST MODE - BEST RAMPAGES #151 542 -- 10:37 App 【Topson·紫猫】He makes this hero look IMBA & OP - Topson BEST Void Spirit in Dota 2 590 2 14:07 App 【历史上的那些瞬间·IO】MOST ICONIC IO (WISP) Players & Plays in Dota 2 Hist...
nivekzvek1———for you who is the best support? in termsof individual skillsDendimon: Puppey and Kuroky问:对你来说谁是最好的辅助?从个人能力来说的话。答:ppy和kky(此时此刻,他俩就站在你后面,对不) wtfljs———1)Who are your top 5 mid players in Dota2?2)Which country do you want...
Yaroslav Vladimirovich "NS" Kuznetsov is a retired professional Dota 2 player, currently working as a caster, commentator and analyst for RuHub Biography Having been in the competitive Dota scene almost since it started, NS is one of the most famous support players of all time. Playing withVirt...
在世界的竞技舞台上,Yatoro无疑是《DOTA2》的一颗璀璨明星。当ti冠军的奖杯光芒四射,他作为唯一的选手被授予了"Best Carry Player in the world"的至高赞誉,这不仅仅是对他的技术超群的肯定,更是全场观众为之疯狂,齐声高呼他的名字的瞬间。那一刻,他的名字与荣耀紧紧相连,仿佛成为了一种象征...
“Best Carry Playerin the world”称赞 并让全场观众高呼其id的选手。但他的回应却仅仅只是一句“...
在提及《DOTA2》职业选手yatoro时,不得不提到他在TI(The International)夺冠现场的惊人表现,他成为了唯一一个获得“Best Carry Player in the world”称赞的选手,全场观众也高呼他的ID,这一幕堪称荣誉与辉煌的顶峰。然而,yatoro在面对如此荣誉时的回应却出乎意料地简短,只是一句“thanks for OUR ...
We are a 100% dedicated to providing our valued clients with the top notch Dota 2 MMR Boosting Service. In order to increase your Dota 2 MMR, get you your favourite rank with our Dota 2 account boosting service, we hire only the best Dota 2 players in the world. This allows us to ...
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[Top 10] Dota 2 Best Carry Heroes That Wreck Hard! Top 10 Best Mid Heroes of Dota 2 Top 10 Best Support Heroes of Dota 2 In-game Best Settings for an Advantage in Dota 2 Top 10 Best Offlane Heroes in Dota 2 [Top 10] Dota 2 Best Agility Heroes That Wreck Hard!