dota_player_units_auto_attack"0"// 关闭自动攻击 dota_player_units_auto_attack_after_spell"1"// 启用施放技能后自动攻击 dota_unit_fly_bonus_height"150" dota_player_multipler_orders"1"// 当你有多个单位的时候,只选中一个单位,按住 ctrl 操作,也会操作全部单位,很有用 dota_player_add_summoned_...
alias "autoattack_off" "dota_player_units_auto_attack 0;dota_player_units_auto_attack_after_spell 0; bind "KP_1" autoattack_on; say_student "AutoAttack: OFF";Playsound sounds/ui/ui_fstvs.vsnd"alias "变量名1" "激活动作1 ;激活动作2 ; 绑定 "触发键" 为变量名2; 文字提示; 声音提示"...
8回复贴,共1页 <返回dota2吧我觉得我好像明白AUTO ATTACK AFTER SPELL了 只看楼主收藏回复 Starousy 众神之王 11 送TA礼物 回复 1楼2014-02-03 10:50 -恶童 恩赐解脱 14 百度翻译啊 回复 来自iPhone客户端3楼2014-02-03 10:54 你来告诉我哦 神装救世 9 这是施法后自动攻击, 原本是默认开启...
On certain heroes like Tinker and Earth Spirit, you can turn Auto-Attack from Standard to Never, so they only move and attack when you want them to. How to Apply Auto Attack: When playing these heroes, go to Settings and then Options. In the top left corner, you can alter the Auto-...
['12.01.21] Spells Going on cooldown without doing any effect (when 2 spells are cast at the same time) [Finger of death#1 | Hex +Rage/timelapseJuggernaut can be canceled by Silencer[Global Silence] in rare situations['12.07.08] If you manually cast an auto-castable spell such as ...
列表 攻击动画——前摇(attack point;foreswing)/后摇(backswing)一次完整的攻击动作包括起手→生效(弹道生成)→收手。前摇是动作生效前的必要过程,取消前摇会取消整个动作。而后摇只是原地播放剩余的动画,可通过移动、施法或停止键来取消。提高攻速可缩短攻击...
Elder Dragon Form level 3 now maintains the Corrosive Breath ability from levels 1 and 23级真龙形态现在保留1、2级的腐蚀攻击效果卓尔游侠Illusions now benefit from the Marksmanship bonus [?]幻想能从光环中获得收益[如果敌方英雄靠近幻想,光环将失效]大地之灵Rolling Boulder no longer reduces attack speed...
Rolling Boulder no longer reduces attack speed by 80 for 2 secondsRolling Boulder no longer does an additional 45 damage when used with a stone remnantRolling Boulder base damage increased from 90 to 100翻滚巨石不再降低攻击速度翻滚巨石在经过残岩时不再造成45点额外伤害翻滚巨石基础伤害从90增至100...
Fixed Auto Attack behavior being inconsistent with Source 1 Fixed various areas on the Terrain where you could get stuck Fixed Ember Spirit voice Fixed various bugs and performance issues when playing multiple games without restarting Fixed some juke spots that were unintentionally changed ...
After teleporting, Nature's Prophet now gains 3/6/9/12 stacks of bonus attack damage (6 damage per stack). Every attack turns a stack of attack damage into a stack granting 1 armor. Duration: 15s 自然的呼唤 Treant Duration decreased from 60s to 50s ...