dota_custom_games_overview_sort_mode_mode cl, a, per_user Sort method used for the custom games overview page dota_custom_ui_debug_panel cl Usage: dota_custom_ui_debug_panel <panel_type_index> dota_cycle_prev_selected cl dota_cycle_selected cl dota_damage_flash sv, a Flash when ...
The *_cycle variants just cycle through all the values, whereas the other commands just set the mode directly. 0 - Off 1 - Radiant avoidance 2 - Dire avoidance 3 - Potential enemy locations for the Radiant 4 - Potential enemy locations for the Dire 5 - Enemy visibility to the Radiant 6...
There are now options to use the Demo Mode buttons for Refresh, Level Up and more in the workshop tool when testing items in game along with these workshop-specific options: "Toggle Day/Night" - useful for testing items in different lighting. You can also type dota_daynightcycle_toggle ...
dota 命令大全(Dota command Daquan) Three choose one: -sdakfefrfnbbstscndul this command contains, three choose one, random access to a skill, quick brush wild, world drop, anti steal tower, super tower and super soldier mode. Random death mode: -ardmimssstscakfefnbb, then type -nd, this ...
Type Normal All Pick Duration 33:16 KDA 9/2/11 22 Ursa Archon I Lost Match 2020-09-14 Normal All Pick 42:27 6/7/5 Phantom Lancer Archon II Lost Match 2020-09-13 Normalx2 All Pick 36:15 3/9/10 Activitylast 3 months more ...
👀1 necrolytus mentioned thison Mar 26, 2024 Game crash (full kernel panic!) on Mac unless in "exclusive fullscreen" modeValveSoftware/Dota2-Gameplay#16073 ethanholt1 commentedon Apr 23, 2024 ethanholt1 It wasn't an issue on Sonoma 14.3.1 so it was the minor version bump to 14.4 ...
Game Mode: "Mode"+String,HostPlayerID Hero Levelup: "Level"+Level,PlayerID Rune Store: "RuneStore"+RuneID, PlayerID. RuneID=1/2/3/4/5 Rune Use: "RuneUse"+RuneID, PlayerID. RuneID=1/2/3/4/5 (Haste/Regen/DD/Illusion/Invis) * Fixed bug that prevented Open Wounds from working ...
Custom Games: Fixed custom loading screens not displaying on the first load of a custom game when in tools mode Custom Games: Added ApplyDataDrivenThinker for ability_datadriven and item_datadriven Custom Games: Script DamageFilter now passes in the Dota damage type instead of the deprecated dam...
When they are in Defense mode (special animation for this), their vision and invisibility cloak are removed and they automatically attack the nearest enemy unit that comes into their range. Once a Sentinel attacks at an enemy unit, it returns to Watcher mode. Watcher Vision: 500 (Does ...
Lobby TypeMatchesWin Rate Ranked MM 2,947 50.59% Normal MM 2,942 50.88% Game ModeMatchesWin Rate All Pick 3,068 50.42% Random Draft 1,328 50.60% Other 183 44.81% FactionMatchesWin Rate Dire 3,089 49.37% Radiant 2,880 52.74% RegionMatchesWin Rate China 3,997 50.14...