在DOTA地图中打入以“-”开头的都是DOTA命令。有 一般命令: (PS:红色是一般常用的命令)解开禁止恶意帮助技能: -enablehelp 取消-disablehelp (例如:chen圣骑士的忠诚考验)跳出被地形卡住命令: -unstuck 60秒后传送你的英雄回基地 重获因变身bug而丢失的控制权的命令: -recreate 对付N’aix...
ap ar All Pick. Each player is allowed to pick a hero from any tavern. All Random. Each player is given a random hero from any tavern. Random Draft. 20 random heroes from any tavern are selected and players take turns picking from them. Single Draft. Each player chooses from one of ...
补上1月9号的:January 9 Bot UpdateAdded fill_with_bots command-line paramater for running a bot-filled dedicated server.Fixed typo in example lina script.Made dota_bot_dump_state also dump to the console.Fixed bot script functions Action_DropItem() and Action_PickUpItem() to work properly...
提供给每个玩家三个随机英雄供选择,一个敏捷,一个力量,一个智力。玩家可以通过键入 -pick 1/2/3来选择。不相容: Mirror Match, Death Match, All Agility, All Intelligence, All Strength, Same Hero, Reverse Mode.Added in v6.50 --- III. 二级游戏模式 任意数字的该模式都可以与主要模式...
nycanchallengesoulsgemini.Itisrecommendedtochallenge inAYmode. Maingamemodes Conventionalmode:ifnothingisentered,thedefaultmodeis automaticallytakenafter15seconds.Playerscanonlychoose theirowntavernhero Selectthemode:-ap/-allpickgameplayercanchooseallthe tavernHeroes Randompattern:-ar/-allrandomplayerautomatically...
一、主要游戏模式 1 下面的主要游戏模式每局只能选择一个 2 有些主要模式和二级游戏模式不能共存,都列出来了 3 常规模式:如果什么都不输入,15秒后自动默认常规模式。玩家只能选择自己方酒馆的英雄 4 全选模式:-ap/-allpick 玩家可以选择所有酒馆的英雄 5 全体随机模式:-ar/-allrandom 玩家从所有酒馆的范围里...
all_pick_force_test 0 -alt1 +alt1 -alt2 +alt2 anim_3wayblend 1 Toggle the 3-way animation blending code. anim_showmainactivity 0 Да Show the idle, walk, run, and/or sprint activities. askconnect_accept Accept a redirect request by the server. asw_engine_finished_buildi...
dota ai 指令及游戏模式(指令及游戏模式 bit oh) LAN mode: Command, -wtf, no CD mode, blue infinity -fun entertainment mode -ar OMG mode requires OMG maps -ah anti map hack -ap all pick camp options -rd random draft randomly called up -om ONLY Middle sent troops only in the middle -...
Cannot launch local allpick lobby (crashes while attempting to load hero pick screen) Cannot queue for pubs (crashes while attempting to load hero pick screen) Running Arch (EndeavourOS) Happy to provide other details if asked. TheLexoPlexx reacted with heart emoji ...