def _BtDB(self,s,r): """ dot product of B^T, D, B params: s,r:natural position of evalue point.2-array. returns: 3x3 matrix. """ print(self._B(s,r).transpose(2,0,1).shape) print( np.matmul(,r).T,self._D), self._B(s,r).transpose(2,0,1))....
# 需要导入模块: import numpy [as 别名]# 或者: from numpy importdot[as 别名]def_BtDB(self,s,r):"""dotproduct of B^T, D, B params: s,r:natural position of evalue point.2-array. returns: 3x3 matrix. """print(self._B(s,r).transpose(2,0,1).shape) print( np.matmul(
proj = vec * mul;/* then onto the plane */proj = z - proj;/* proj specifies the transformation of the up axis */proj = proj.safe_normalized_vec(y);/* Normalized cross product of vec and proj specifies transformation of the right axis */right = proj.cross(vec); right.normalize()...
matrixOut = []#now the actual multiplicationiflen(matInA) ==1:foriinrange(len(matInB)):#loop over node's incoming matricesmatrixOut.append([0], matInB[i]))eliflen(matInB) ==1:foriinrange(len(matInA)):#loop over node's incoming matricesmatrixOut.append(