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Light: Science & Applications volume 10, Article number: 221 (2021) Cite this article 8682 Accesses 71 Citations 19 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Optical implementations of neural networks (ONNs) herald the next-generation high-speed and energy-efficient deep learning computing by harnessing the...
A colloidal quantum dot (QD) is a form of nanocrystal (diameters in the range of 1–20 nm) comprised of a semiconducting material. From:Drug Resistance Updates,2022 About this page Add to MendeleySet alert Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic...
Study of normal cell physiology and disease pathogenesis heavily relies on untangling the complexity of intracellular molecular mechanisms and pathways. To achieve this goal, comprehensive molecular profiling of individual cells within the context of mic
8–22, April 2021. [19] S. Bauer, V. Sichkovskyi, O. Eyal, T. Septon, A. Becker, I. Khanonkin, G. Eisenstein, and J. P. Reithmaier, "1.5 μm indium phosphide-based quantum dot lasers and optical amplifiers: The impact of atom- like optical gain material for optoelectronic...
Interfaces 2021, 8, 2101466. [Google Scholar] Mousavi, S.M.; Hashemi, S.A.; Kalashgrani, M.Y.; Omidifar, N.; Lai, C.W.; Rao, N.V.; Gholami, A.; Chiang, W.-H. The Pivotal Role of Quantum Dots-Based Biomarkers Integrated with Ultra-Sensitive Probes for Multiplex Detection of...
[17,18,19]. In 2021, Perri et al. proposed low-energy multi-bit approximate adders [20] and Khanet al. proposed efficient vedic square calculator [21]. The designs provided ideas for us to design multipliers. Dividers constructed using unit structures have also been proposed, including non-...
分别于2012年和2017年在中国科学技术大学取得学士和博士学位,随后加入上海交通大学维尔切克量子中心开展博士后研究。2019年加入新加坡国立大学物理系,担任 Research Fellow。2021年加入四川大学物理学院,担任特聘研究员。主要研究领域是冷原子物理和量子模拟理论,重点关注超冷原子气体系统中的新奇量子相和多体动力学。
2021年起在北京师范大学化学学院担任教授至今。主要研究方向是表/界面水体系微观结构及动力学,大气化学以及水的生物学效应的理论研究和相关计算方法发展。独立开发了冰水蒙特卡洛模拟软件Cmcwi。共发表论文50余篇,其中作为第一/共一/通讯作者在Nature(1); Nat. Phys.(1,纯理论); Nat. Commun.(3); Sci. Adv.(...
Want to print out the DQ File Checklist? Download the free PDF by clicking below: Think about the last time one of your drivers had an accident. After making sure everyone is OK, you quickly go look at the Driver Qualification File to make sure everything is in order. Why? Because you...