int[][] myArray3=new int[3][]{new int[3]{5,6,2},new int[5]{6,9,7,8,3},new int[2]{3,2}}; myArray3[2][2]的值是()。——4 1. 9 2. 2 3. 6 4.越界 Question 34. (单选) 在C#中利用Socket进行网络通信编程的一般步骤是:建立Socket侦听、( )、利用Socket接收和发 送数据。
3,448 questions with ASP.NET tags Sort by:Updated UpdatedCreatedAnswers 1 answer Distributed Memory Cache Hello, I have a question about how the IDistributedCache interface works with Asp.Net Core and specifically the AddDistribetedMemoryCache extension method. Let's say we have one VM instance...
Question Wednesday, September 4, 2013 6:09 AM hi i have a custom textbox which only allow numeric to be enter. it also accept dot . dim myprice as decimal=123.44 when myprice is using dot as decimal it is working fine. but when i use comma as decimal point. myprice will change to ...
题目 The word"toad"(癞蛤蟆) would be very easy in an English-language spelling bee,but not in a nationally televised contest in China. In Chinese,toad has three characters that(1) are made(make) up of 46 individual strokes(笔画).Yu Shuang, (2) an8-year-old con...
The question is: why would ChatGPT and other Large Language Models just make stuff up and make it look like it’s real? I have no answers for that. As an example of other prompts, here’s info about Barry Dahl, the actor. Prompt: Write a short summary of Barry Dahl’s theatrical ...
Question Design a hash map Solution Design a least recently used cache Solution Design a call center Solution Design a deck of cards Solution Design a parking lot Solution Design a chat server Solution Design a circular array Contribute Add an object-oriented design question Contribute...
QUESTION: Well, fair enough, except that there are members of the Executive Branch who have said roughly similar if not exactly the same thing over the course of the last several months. And so I think there is a suspicion out there that Senator Schumer was putting out publicly what had ...
lblQuestion.Text = dtr("Question") End Sub What am I doing wrong? .NET Programming +3 Last Comment timecomplexity 2004/9/27 NetPointer 2003/10/30 it seems error is from DataAccess.DBConn class u r using.. check the DBConn might not getting clsDA is nothing. ...
likeCodeGuru forumsis: “How do I find the machine types in .NET?”. I can not believe I have not covered this topic before as most of my articles these days are more informative than instructional. To fix this, I will be answering this very question in today’s .NET programming ...